Xperia X vs. Whatsapp requiring Android 5.0 now

Well, the two does use the same technology to do what they do - LXC containers. This is fairly well known.
I think the first dozen such questions got slightly better answers back in the day when it was relevant.

So let me flip that around:
Surely, by now, it would be common knowledge that Waydroid was a solution if it had been, right?
Naturally non-solutions aren’t front and center, but it doesn’t mean it hasn’t been tried.
Proposing something so obvious, such a long time after it started being a problem, surely should set off some alarms to sanity-check it…


This self-righteousness is kind of exhausting.
But I’m quiet, I do not want to hijack the thread.

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It’s in WhatsApp’s interests to be backwards compatible and support older models. I don’t imagine they update the protocol very often. You may well have a couple of years left.

Nevertheless, when you can afford €40, I’d set eBay alerts for a cheap XA2 or 10. Anything still cheap <24 hrs in advance put into an autobidder. Gixen worked last I checked and doesn’t abuse your trust.
Jolla should convert your license to support the new phone.

The X’s version of Android is Myriad’s I believe. Jolla might have to pay them more than for the XA2+ version.

This is weird that it does not wok with Android 4 because on the download site of WhatsApp : Download WhatsApp for Android it says “Android OS 4.1 or above”

I seriously enjoyed @attah 's comment a lot. But nevertheless I appreciate your consequences.

BTT: Did anyone sort out the proposed solution by editing the config files?

No, kernel 3.10 doesn’t have the necessary namespacing & cgroupsv2 features. Period. It’s not possible at all without an upgrade to a newer kernel.

If you don’t know it better, try to assume that the others action were made in good faith and not due to greed.

They are different, but there afaik there isn’t any ground-layer technology of AD that Waydroid doesn’t take use of. These are just basic Linux kernel features for process isolation. Since AD was developed when binder wasn’t a thing yet, only Waydroid could integrate it as 1st class citizen.

Edit: Spelling


Android 5 is the 1st version with ART instead of Dalvik and WA probably requires ART now.

I don’t think I claimed that in any way. :thinking:

But now I have broken my resolution to stay out of this thread. :roll_eyes: