Xperia VI devices moving from 21:9 aspect ratio screens to 19.5:9

Let’s hope they do this even before the 2027 EU mandate comes into action.

I think it’s quite easy to change battery at leeast sony xperia 10 lll. My back cover broked and devices quarantee has expired. So I ordered new back cover and change it. Battery is visible when back cover is removed.


Generally speaking it’s more important that the battery isn’t glued to the bottom. I once almost destroyed a friend’s phone trying to change it. The battery shorted and I had to quickly rip it out before it burned the phone.

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there are usually special pull-out strings underneath it, and/or you should also use isopropyl alcohol

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Those pull-out strings often don’t work as intended and the handle rips off (even said so in youtube-videos describing the process). Isopropyl alcohol helps, but you should use it with caution and as little as possible. I seem to have used a bit to much isopropyl on an Xperia X, and now the backlight is cloudy.

It is doable, but removing the back at first already needs some special tools (A household hair dryer was not doing the trick for me to heat up the adhesive).
If you don’t buy a new back cover, you have to deal with a replacement adhesive seal, which is a bit fiddly to apply.

Was a bit easier on my old Motorola flip-phone, where the battery was simply clipped into the back of the device, and you could carry a spare for quick swap, or get a larger battery with more capacity. :slight_smile:

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I really enjoy the 21:9 too with sailfish.
It definitely makes sense to have 19.5:9 for texting and reading, but I’m afraid it won’t feel as comfortable in this case.
We’ll see I guess.


looks great to me.
hopefully it comes with a SoC meaningfully more advanced than the 695.
usb3 (once again!) and wifi6 would be great.

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It’s supposed to have Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 inside.

About new aspect ratio, I really like the current 21:9 on my 10 III - I can sometimes even use it with one hand :slight_smile:


yes indeed, good news:


I want wireless charging, but I doubt it will have it


usb3 with video out in SFOS would be great…


i will buy a 10v licence, but I suspect i won’t upgrade from my 10iii until the 10vi arrives on SFOS.


Re: changing from 21:9

Apparently not the 10vi !!!
Also no update to USB3 and Wifi6:

Confirmed from Sony product page. :frowning:


well. i’m not impressed

Am i losing my mind or have 3 posts that were made 24hrs ago been deleted from this thread?
Or less suspiciously, was there a data restore that caused those posts to disappear? They weren’t of any consequence tbh, so no great loss, but still confusing to an ageing mind.

I think so too, and one of these posts was created by me, so i’m pretty sure about it

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It’s probably a russian Influence operation. :wink:

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internet 101:
if you find yourself in a confusing situation, blame Russians :slight_smile:


We’ve been discussing this topic for many years, but Sailfish and Jolla think it is OK, to hide/suppress/remove posts, if they do not like them. Usually they would say it violates the policy without further explanation or discussion - which simply said makes you feel in the middle ages, where the judge is the absolute ruler and executor.

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