Xperia 10 V support? Is SFOS to be continued at all?

Oh, how does that relate to your nagging questions for development timelines and release dates, or to the topic of this discussion thread?
I think you are diverging. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Come on, please be a bit more patient and do not blow the release timing for the installation images for Xperia 10 IV and V out of proportion. BTW, I have an Xperia 10 V lying around, too.

I always valued your technical contributions much, because they were always concise and helpful. A stark contrast to this single topic, which makes you go ballistic. So let us return to discussing technical stuff, because this discussion (rsp. “discussing this”) has not been fruitful for anybody AFAICT.


Im in the same shoes. Bought an Xperia IV one year ago. The delay to my understanding is mostly because of them waiting for Sony. I think Jolla is doing a great job so far. They have had some real rough sea to navigate through. (Russia/Ukraine), it set them back for a while. They have handled everything exceptionally well in my opinion considering everything.

Allso there are big powers behind the curtains that dont want open source privacy focused things like Sailfish to succeed or become too popular. One of the tactics they have been known to use is to put paid bad actors to troll the forums with the main goal to create negativity and bad atmosphere.

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well, the reason I also started this topic was because there is/was only very little to no information about progress at all. I definitely was afraid SFOS is dead.

That being said, I do not want to see going this topic down the drain because of people bashing each other, although can’t deny that I stand with @wetab73 here- a very least bit of information neither complicates nor delays a release and nothing else he or we said here (I think).

So I can only repeat, single and simple “Work In Progress” (WIP) topic for each device here in the forums would be completely satisfying for me and I assume for almost everyone else as well - and if it is just something like “continue debugging …” or “still waiting for Sony” or whatever like once every week, I guess people would be even happy if happening once a month- and that is definitely not asked to much.

In the end we all just want the same.


I am using the Xperia 10 V over this weekend as primary driver to get more familiar with the hardware. It is a nice device from hardware perspective. But Sonys implementation of Android is really annoying and gets in my way to use the device efficiently. It is awful how Sonys Android is forcing me to use the device in their intended way, e.g. every third unlock ing during my regular Saturday morning shopping the device refused to unlock via finger print sensor, but insisted on numeric PIN, with the reason to increase security (wtf ???).
I am desperately looking forward to getting Sailfish on the device and repudiate this ugly and annoying Android version.
In Sailfish there are also limitations and shortcomings. But at least with Sailfish the limit to get this solved lies within my own incompetence to code. Feels much better for me: I know that in the end I have more control and just need to grow in my competencies to get things solved. In contrast, in Android I just feel locked out: there is no way to prevent being forced to unlock via numeric PIN every third time or so. And does annoying the user this way increase security? ?
Really annoying when being in a rush


You can close the topic if your question is answered

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I’m aware about that, but so far only the 2nd part is fully answered and since the most of it is or was rather constructive it seemed useful to keep it open.
I think I will do so once 10 V support is actually existing and available.


I’m very surprised to read from you that Sony Android also is that annoying and dissatisfying. I never had Android running on my Xperia 10’s but immediately flash SFOS on them. What you report leads me to the expectation, that obviously not Jolla but more Sony is responsible for many bugs and limitations. Maybe you can get a used Xperia 10-3 for meantime, as on this device you have also VoLTE and so you are future safe.


I have a Xperia 10 iii in use, and did it exactly as described : flashed Sailfish immediately on it without trying Android on this device.
There are bugs, my device us affected by the ‘no audio’ after GPS use bug, as reported here: No audio after some time, have to reboot - #76 by MeeGo-Junky.
There is the suspicion by some very knowledgeable people on this forum that the underlying Android version before flashing might affect the bugs within Sailfish, therefore, as you said, that in sense some bugs with Sailfish on Sony devices might indeed be rooted by Sony in a way.
Let alone for this reason I am looking forward to test Sailfish on Xperia 10 V, to use it as comparative device


In addition, my annoyance about numeric PIN is no bug I guess, but a feature. In my perspective a vastly misconfigured feature


Yes i think the underlying Android affects sailfish os. I also had the audio disappearing bug and after flashing aosp 12 and then sfos it disappeared. And on oneplus 6 with postmarketos gps is only working if one had flashed a specific android version before.

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Long story short: You will not find a mobile phone with a better compromise of state of the art hardware, reliability, percentage of open source parts, tweakability, android app support etc. etc.

Please @Fubo and others, consider spreading the word outside this forum. There was a discussion on r/linux this morning (which has ~1.5M users!) and people didn’t know about SFOS or thought it was dead or unusable:

Given that SFOS devices are not sold in the US and MeeGo was killed quite abruptly, I think SFOS has too little visibility and/or is not taken seriously, but it is much more practical than what people think.


What is your opinion about Librem?

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I couldn’t find anything about the phones Ingress Protection (IPX class), so it probably hasn’t one and is not Waterproof.

The price for the 3GB version Librem 5 is $ 649 and for the 4GB version Liberty Phone (made in USA) is $1.999.

Before taking such an investment seriously into account I would inform myself about how good Anbox works and is integrated:

But for the next future I’ll stick with Sailfish OS and this already consumes the time i’m able and willing to invest for a mostly free and open source mobile phone.

I assume Purisms or the Liberty / Librem 5 phone documentation and community can’t compete with the one Sailfish OS / Jolla has to offer.

Last and least: Because most of IT big players are US corporations, it feels liberating for me to use (and in the best case eventually support) an European one.

Edit: I’m very happy i found a home port in which i’m very well satisfied - to say it in Sailfish-slang :slight_smile:

Edit: No dual sim, camera probably can’t compete with Xperia 10 cameras.


Purism got some criticism, but it’s cool they are funding GNOME mobile. Developers working for them have improved all this mobile stack quite significantly. I just regret the community is tiny and split into two: SFOS and Mer (Qt) on one side and GNOME mobile on the other.


Seems like Sony stole this feature from Sfos, but instead of restarting the fingerprint sensor yourself it is done automatically after entering the correct pin :wink:


Coludn’t this be implemented in sfos? Doesn’t seem that hard to do

Unfortunately they are not funding gnome mobile anymore, they said that they can’t afford it anymore so they are concentrating only on their purism shell

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yes, it is xqdc54 not xqcd54, there is a typo in the instructions for .hadk.env


Oh, thank you very much

yaay it’s building the kernel :slight_smile: