Xperia 10 III audio and video problems trigger after a period of time in use

Thanks for your report @elkiaer. I’ve created an internal report about this and have tagged it as “tracked”. This sounds like unusual behaviour, so if you have any other info you can provide that might help diagnose it (any apps installed, usage you notice triggering the issue, etc.) that would be appreciated.

I also updated the title a bit to make it more descriptive, in case others are experiencing the same.

Thanks also @tobset for linking to the other issue. It could indeed be related, although hard to tell categorically unfortunately.


@flypig, thanks for the update - also on my title :slight_smile:

When changing the sound under settings my phone does NOT freeze.

  • I have tried not to activate the Bluetooth, that did not help.
  • I have run the following commands in the terminal: pkcon refresh, pkcon update, zypper ref and zypper dup.That did not help.

Unfortunately AIDA64 do not run on Xperia 10III so I do not have an easy way to list my installed Apps :frowning:
Please see my Apps on attach link:

Seems like a different problem – in my case, only the notification sounds don’t play (including no vibration), but calls still work normally if you notice them.

I switched to Xperia 10 III a few days ago, but I haven’t had it long enough to know if the problem is still present.

known issue →

Thanks @sebix

I have been looking through the link/case/issue you mention and it seems like it the same - but anyway - I see it more like a sound issue. This because sound and video in general is not working when the issue occurs.

I could suspect that the error has occurred when installing an App. Maybe “libmpg123 1.29.3” could be the reason. I haven’t been able to uninstall this one, so I don’t know. I have tried with “pkcon remove libmpg123-1.29.3-2.0.0.armv7hl.rpm”.

In the other case you send me, there is no solution so it do not help me :frowning:

I do have similar problems on Xperia 10 II , the audio on calls hopefully not very often (happened 3 - 4 times) in ~6 months I use it. When I am in a call and I have the sound on phone’s headphone (not Speaker / external headphones / bluetooth). Suddenly I heard a sound like short-circuit the speaker and I couldn’t hear any more. As I figured out:

  • The person I have the call can hear me.
  • I can select Speaker and I can hear again the call.
  • Also with headphones (audiojack) works again.
  • I couldn’t hear even music / sound from videos when this happened.
  • After reboot sound and calls were working fine
  • Restarting home screen from Settings->Utilities brought the sound back too.

With videos also, on Gallery’s Video player, when I play videos in several formats, some times video doesn’t start play and the app crashes. Surprisingly when I restart the app and go play that video it plays like nothing happened. This is happening some times after 2 - 3 videos played up to 30 - 40, or could not happen at all.

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Installed packed:
(the libmpg123 are there twice with different version)


I have a similar issuebin that the audio would switch from headset to speaker and thr headset will no longer provide audio even when you disconnect and reconnect the only work around is to either restart or try callijg someone then the audio starts workibg from the headphone. I noticed this happpens when notifications from whatsapp come in

Please note that I also have the following issues:
• Video playback very slow both in native video player and in browser.
• Playback of music is very slow (low speed) and no sound can be heard.

Me to have this problem on my Xperia 10 III. All sound and mic is suddenly dead. Seems randomly to me, so far. Reboot restores both sound and mic.
I flashed Sailfish on Android 11 (62.0. A.3.109), with no OTA update.

The issue is not related to the Android version before flashing Sailfish. I tested 3 different Android 11 versions and even Android 12, but nothing helped tp get rid of this annoying issue.

I may have a fix, I will return after the football match on Europe’s must beautify football ground.


I’m back home :blush:

I did some DuckDuckGo where I found some commands that seems to solve the issue. Here is what I did.

When I notice the error, I open the terminal and typed the following:

  1. pulseaudio -k
  2. pulseaudio -D
    This should kill a process and restart the new instance.

After I have done this, I have not have any errors. If the issue will come back after a restart of the phone I do not know, haven’t tried.


Same problem here on Xperia 10 III. The pulseaudio -D gave an error for me, but I managed to restart the service through systemctl: systemctl-user restart pulseaudio.service.

This really is a serious bug because it makes the phone very unreliable if you can hear if you’re being called! I only noticed because I tried to play some music and it didn’t work, who knows how long it wasn’t working :o


Mine phone is still running without any issues.

Maybe a stupid question. You have 2 space between pulseaudio and -D in your text, is that what you have written in the terminal, there must be only one space.

Maybe i found a fix.

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I do not have asterisk infront of the lines.
My phone works without any issues after I have made the 2 pulseaudio commands after the error did occurred.

Could you post the output of

pactl list modules short

I didn’t say that your fix is working, but there must be a differnce between the pulseaudio services after the start of the phone and the restart you mentioned.

Ok :relaxed:

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Mhh, no difference except for the idle-timeout module, which i am not running at the moment.

And the proper way to start pulseaudio is

pulseaudio --start instead of pulseaudio -D. But normally pulseaudio starts itself after being stopped, so ‘pulseaudio -D’ shouldnt be needed.