Will Mind2 be enjoyable with 100% privacy approach?

I would like to have a device like the Mind 2, but I’m worried about the performance to be expected. Will it be anywhere near usable, or will I be disappointed with a 100% privacy at all costs approach?

6 TOPS seems pretty low when even a Raspberry PI HAT for 80 EUR (Hailo 8) has 13 TOPS. Just for comparison, the Apple M1 has 11 TOPS, M4 38 TOPS and Microsoft requires 40 TOPS for their Co-Pilot.

Queries requiring more computational power can be sent to third party AI, i read. So essentially what I’d like to know boils down to: Where will the line be drawn in practice? Will the device be able to do enough tasks locally that it is enjoyable for people who are absolutely against sending anything to third parties?

If this is already talked about somewhere, I’d be thankful if someone would point me to the forum/thread/blog entry/FAQ.

For jolla Minds2 info you’ll need a proprietary client to use proprietary service that is not getting indexed by any search engines (and is also hostile to reverse engineered client usage and will ban you for those), if you enjoy that join official minds2 discord and let us know (if discord allows leaking such info, can’t be bothered to know)
Source: Community meeting on 30th May 2024 - #15 by rainemak


I do not know you, you do not known me but would you mind changing your profile picture? It looks very off-putting and does not encourage good-natured communication. Thanks!

It’s a classic picture and part of linux history, the bad guy linus tech tips vs proprietary software???
Edit: and not just random MS/googol, the current darling of AI telling linux to eff himself, if anything, this pic needs reposting now more often than ever as all their golden goose stuff is now running on linux


You mean a proprietary online service? I’m strictly only interested in the local capabilities.

It isn’t clear to me whether the user createable knowledge bases are local. In the demo they said you need to “connect” to a knowledge base, so I suspect it requires a venho online service?

After watching the demo video from Jolla Love Day 2, I got the impression the device should have at least double the amount of TOPS, like 12 or more to make the performance bearable.

I was also interested in details of Mind2, but contrary to their 100% privacy approach the only channel is 100% anti that and I will not be joining discord even if they paid me, so I will never know, good luck with it I guess?
Edit: and understandable too I guess, the VC investor zoomers they aim the gimmick at abhorr irc, so if that’s what they need to do to get the funding, no problem with me, would be the same if they chose fb or tiktok as their main communication channel, though those are at least viewable without an account

It’s really disappointing, because in principle it seems like a great idea.

Regarding a “100% privacy approach” I can’t see it yet. The user createable knowledge bases - are they local? In the demo it was said you need to “connect” to them? Perhaps documentation of how to set up a local LLM/kb server would convince me, although I would still have distrust in and a bad feeling about any proprietary parts.

Edit: For example, since Prifine is a US company, what protects us against a US agency ordering them to exfiltrate our data via a NSL, maybe already summarized by the AI?

My understanding is it was supposed to be created by experts (whatever that means, debatable in many (all?) fields) thing you download to process then locally, so what you query it will remain private, probably a nice possible revenue stream from lobby groups

The demo says knowledge bases can be created by anybody.

Yeah, if you’re an expert in X field you can probably do it alone just feeding relevant papers, expecting a good knowledgebase from 1 person is probably unrealistic tho, especially as in science there are competing theories and you should not blindly ‘trust science’ as was recently pushed by all mainstream media about one specific subject

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“f you’re an expert in X field you can probably do it alone”

I think that’s the idea. I have a lot of private knowledge, where I’m the expert and nobody else knows about it. I would expect to be able to use it for documenting privately developed software for example.

Imagine if you had only one knowledgebase about gravity, dark matter is a fact, but load mond enthusiasts kb and suddenly they have better predictions about galaxies? It’s not all black and white, nature is messy. Now will lobby groups try to censor kb’s from opposing side… Again details of all that are hidden for us

I don’t know what you’re talking about, to be honest. In my understanding knowledge bases are supposed to be able to be hosted locally. If that’s the case then it’s a matter of documentation.

I think the VCs will be the disappointed ones, stochastic parrot is as far from AI as it gets, just like Elisa was amazing, once people realise it just lies 90% of the time and PR hype dies down… If there are any useful applications, still yet to see

Yeah you have 1 KB bases on the bestest and greatest physicists of our time, it says dark matter real, then you have another KB based on MOND theorists (they can actually predict rotation curves better than DM guys that will just adjust numbers after the fact), explain how documentation fixes that, you can host both locally

It seems you have unreasonable expectation and in turn are of course disappointed.

I don’t expect very much. If I can develop applications which make use of TTS and STT and which can access an LLM with a vector db, it think it’s good. I looks like that should be possible, although at a slow speed with the mind 2 hardware.

Documentation for how to set up the local infrastructure fixes my dependency on remote APIs.
I don’t care too much about chat models with knowledge about the whole world.

You can already do that on device even with whisper, though without swapping only tiny/small models, maybe with 8gb ram medium comes into play. Not sure what you expect from KBs? Science is never settled, so if you get proponents of one theory to build KB of course it will contradict KB built by guys who support different one, there is no objective truth lol

Every knowledge base, if the knowledge is developing must be curated and every source can be biased - it’s not a technical problem.

Edit: What I ideally expect from a knowledge base is that I can ask questions by voice about facts I entered and get audio responses.

Is it developing when the current mainstream knowledge blacklists people trying to upend it, or is it stagnating and keeping the status quo, will you load the einstein KB when you have aether KB already and all MSM says aether real?