Potential Bluetooth Support in the Android App Support (AAS)

For reference, see the answer by DrYak in ye olde TJC thead.



Considering the recent push for automotive market that Jolla is going for, I think it might be prudent to implement more than just a simple A2DP. There are quite a few big players in the field, namely Microsoft, Google, BlackBerry, TomTom, just to name a few, bluetooth stack seems very important, and lacking native applications for Sailfish OS, it only seems logical to use Android ones. But a lacking bluetooth middleware between AlienDalvik and BlueZ could potentially be a big hit for the future success in that field. That is not to say that it’s not a mammoth task, but look what Wine/Steam managed, a lot can be done where there’s will (and time/money).


A2DP doesn’t seem to work on ARM64/Xperia 10ii while it did work fine on my XA2. At least, waze audio out is not directed to bluetooth any more?
I don’t know which protocol the sharenow carsharing app needs to work, but it doesn’t

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@Nowave7 why do you think that the market would need AlienDalvik at all?
I really doubt it

Ah yes - I got many of my posts banned because of cursing with Jolla that they did not test properly.

This was the case for me as well - somehow it resolved after pairing and removing pairing and restarting bluetooth or killing hciattach in the console and restarting the phone. Once it was paired properly and worked it is now still doing fine after already 2 months.

I recently found out that on the Xperia X with a downgrade of bluez5 to 5.50 works more or less fine.

If you are skilled ssh to the console and watch the log file

I meant to say AndroidApp Support, not Alien Dalvik, the title led me astray.

But if you’re asking in general why would that market need any kind of Android support, well, it’s just my guess, but let’s be realistic, Jolla is lacking in terms of applications, be it in numbers, or quality. Sure they could develop their in-house products, but that would require time and workforce that they’re maybe lacking at the moment? Again, this is all just pure speculation on my part.

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I think there is an answer to the question that can be accepted and the question can be closed and marked as answered

I wonder if it was possible to implement/install/copy the entire android bluetooth-api to alien dalvik and use a second (usb-)bluetooth-dongle?
I guess virtualbox is acting in a similar (pass-through) manner to talk to usb-devices directly.


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I… I must say that I adore your inventiveness.

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There might be some progress in waydroid: bluetooth passtrough? · Issue #155 · waydroid/waydroid · GitHub

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AppSupport Bluetooth is becoming a showstopper for me as many crucial Android apps require it. Are there any plans to implement this? Now I’m not able to remotely preheat my car and winter is coming.

Would it be possible to detach Bluetooth from Sailfish side and give it completely to AppSupport?


I wish I had your problems … preheat the car … :joy: :rofl: :sweat_smile:


Man, that surely is a problem. Get yourself a heated garage.


Thank you for your helpful answers. It is also impossible to open a Matkahuolto parcel locker and rent electric scooters. But I guess these are first world problems.

Wow. Talk about having certain parts stuck up certain orifices.

Also won’t be possible for me to connect to my electric scooter, or my Meta Raybans (Meta View), or my watch (CMF Watch app)…or my earbuds for configuration of some EQ settings (Nothing X).

This is one of the many things Jolla should have prioritized for years now :\


I think people buying closed hardware should really invest into making this work: Bumble bluetooth support?


What should be a priority is not buying defective-by-design devices that can only be operated by using some manufacturers crappy proprietary software and protocols.


Yes and I also wish there was unicorns, the world was all united and at peace, and we didn’t have to worry about things like hunger and greed. But it turns out, people exist in the real world and we should minimize user friction when they try to do at this point not very interesting and pretty normal tasks which are done over bluetooth nowadays, with devices.

Not going to debate with you on purchase decisions on devices that work perfectly fine with other mobile operating systems. Most would just switch back to any other phone running an OS from the duopoly. I’d like to see Sailfish OS be just as viable of an option for 2024 tasks, not the 2016 tasks from the last time I used it.


“Well, this 40.000 euro car looks really nice and has everything I’m looking for… But it doesn’t support my 400 euro phone, so I won’t buy it.”