Whisperfish - The unofficial SailfishOS Signal client

Whisperfish beta.10 :tada:

This is a huge release, thanks to the hackathon we did a month ago with @direc85 (see picture at Whisperfish - The unofficial SailfishOS Signal client - #595 by rubdos).

There’s a ton of useful changes for the users, and there’s also a lot of technical debt fixed that will make the next releases even more awesome. Diffstat since beta.9: 127 files changed, 11795 insertions(+), 5464 deletions(-) (and that’s huge)



  • Registration should work again! Thanks @direc85 and Gabriel Margiani !
  • Cover page is awesome!
  • Typing notifications are cute!
  • Display multiple attachments!
  • Resending failed messages!

This is quite a milestone. The next big milestone will be porting Rust 1.61 to SailfishOS, because that will allow us to further push the dependencies and implement all the new GroupV2 and sealed sending features more easily.

Beta 10 should become available the next few hours on OpenRepos automatically.

@flypig or any other moderator in here, is it an idea to allow me to edit the first post to update the change log? Wiki-style or just to remove the time limit?