Where to go after Sailfish?

The Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ are the same size of Xperia 10 II and III.

still to big and forget about getting VoLTE on them which is kind of mandatory now.

Why VoLTE is mandatory under your point of view?

About size the choice is between 5.8" and 6.4"

Probably you would like something about 4" or 4.5" but the 6" is the average hand size and below such size tends to be too small for an adult and above tends to be too big.

Also the Pine64 phones beta or pro are 6.3" in size

because EU countries are shutting down 3g and without VoLTE you won’t be able to make a phone calls. While S9 and so do have VoLTE support, this is not available with custom rom because of the firmware drivers etc. Long story short, Samsung phones are doomed with custom roms once carriers shut down all non VoLTE calling functionalities

I said it’s to big for me. X10 is also to big, I have it. True it’s narrow which is good so at least this is fine, but it’s to big.

Those EU countries that are shutting down 3G is because they are keeping 2G for their long range coverage as essential-backup and emergency network. They shout down 3G because 4G or 5G are going to replace the 3G.

In Italy one of the most innovative and cheap mobile network operator is using their 3G equipment with some modifications that allows them to provide 4G services, AFAIK is not a 100% standard implementation but it works up to 5MB/s in download and 2MB/s where the signal is weak.

About the size, a possible choice reasonably below 6" is the Xperia XZ2 Compact which is 5.3"

There is nothing else from Sony, AFAIK.

no jack, and Camera is DRM protected if I remember correctly so nope, it’s not an option.

Tbh, please I’m keeping my eye constantly on the market and I can find no new phone that full fill my requirements. There are just no such phone on the market since I don’t want to use android neither iOS and I require small phone which has a jack!

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That’s exactly why he said he wants a phone with Volte and then you asked why, only to reply the same thing with some other unrelated stuff.
How a cheap slow Italian operator will help the guy if let’s say he lives in German when there’s no 3G and 2G will be off in about 2 years?

In general I don’t understand why you feel the need to say basically anything just to say something.

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Cause he is a Chat GPT bot, and his assignment is to write bullshit on every Forum’s Thread. You can clearly noticed that they were on budget cut when they did his training, that is why sometimes is just reiterating same info over and over.


Despite the benefits of VoLTE and its predominance on the market, it will be seriously improbable that the switch will shutdown the 2G or 3G voice systems, both and much probably the 2G will remain.

In only two countries, Hungary and Italy, did the regulators become involved in whether 2G/3G networks should be switched off.

It means that in every other EU countries regulators simply ignored the matter and left the private telecom companies follow their agenda to deliver a better service (VoLTE) and saving money to not having to deal with maintenance on 2G/3G networks.

Until the day they will find out that the range of new 4/5/6G is gradually reduced (low power, high density cells, large bandwidth due to cabling) and this means that in case of natural catastrophe (or terrorist attack or war) affecting a large area such “fined grained, high performances” infrastructures will be not able to service the inner area but just working on the tiny borders, leaving all the people in such area cut-down from every mobile communications apart satellite phones service.

More or less is the same story of the wind turbines in Germany: 20 years €400bn of investment and then back to burning lignite at first international crises. VoLTE is necessary only in those countries that are going to implement stupid moves. That’s all.

Now, it is fine you say I need VoLTE because the market push me stronger towards that destination. Then, the market push you also towards Android or Apple iOS. Follow the market, then.

Finally, SFOS has the support for VoLTE. It is in beta testing like CLAT for IPv6 network operators only, and many others components. Technically speaking the whole SailFish OS is a beta and we are the beta-tester for their automotive proprietary OS. :wink:

Then you should not even answer to a bot. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

That’s why you learn to write
if "string" == var; then
because if you forget an equal sign, the compiler will complain.

For my part, I’ll either go fp 4/5 and ubuntu touch, or iPhone. I know the latter may be controversial here, but I’m more confident that my data is my data in that ecosystem and i care more for my data, than my software.

I’ve actually seen success with ubuntu touch, waydroid and required apps - in Sweden eId, such as bankId/Freja eId are required for interaction with government/authorities and Swish (c2c money transfer and c2b payment) is “required” to be part of society - so that’s my first bet. But for now I’m sticking with sailfish.

You missed the whole point, here. I do not care to answer.

I do not agree.

After a review, I reached the conclusion that the de-googling mania is just a woke trends and nothing more. It is more reliable a company like Google that is so big that can influence the US governance that a small company which strive to survive and easily influenced by political winds also those local.

The sad story about Android is related to its security. It is a vulnerable system by design and part of its vulnerability insists also in those phones that have a AOSP aboard. That’s a shame because your data is your data as long as your phone is secure otherwise your data belongs to anyone that can violate your phone OS.

The /e/OS is government funded and the Jolla Oy tied to Russia and Finland by debts. Under this PoV, these two companies are much easier to be subjected to political influence than Google or Apple or Microsoft.

However, in the moment that you remove Android Support and Jolla account from the SFOS, what’s remain? Now go back to talk about = and ==, at least the technical bla-bla rarely is understood outside the geek’s magic circle. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

WRONG as always… Shutdown 2G Network in Switzerland.


What was your point then? I was referring to c coding approach, as a curiosity (as I don’t think Linux kernel is written in sh - you mentioned bashism).
And for security exploits, I don’t believe open source is better than closed source here. They only have slightly different attack vectors.

Depends on how you do it. De-googling and putting your data where it’s accessible for another company has no real meaning, and here I believe you are correct. After all Google has refused to give authorities user data upon request, so yoir data is (somewhat) safe from government there. Size and history is also why I believe in Apple and why I consider them.

Unfortunately not much, due to the closed source/licensing of several components in sailfish.

I think the Nokia N9 (3.9") was ideal, and I miss the days of phone shrinking competition.

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It is called “Free Market”…and it is well known that Italy and especially Orban’s Hungary do not give a shit about core democratic principles.

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Market is ALWAYS right!

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Finally something I can agree on.

It wasn’t me who flagged your comment. But you were again off topic. I start to enjoy your chat GPT bot error training…it went so wrong :slight_smile:

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Another thread robanged. The forum is getting unreadable.


This is great! :rofl: