Where to go after Sailfish?

Your post has been flagged, it does not seem to me like a good idea if people are arguing about it.

Accounting: 8 lovers, 2 haters - click on

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or not, and you decided in which group you belong.

It is embarrassing that adults can be even concerned about 2-clicks or 1-click. However, I suggested to change the word community in a more appropriate tribe due to their etymology roots:

Enjoy the power of the culture! :wink:

I think your idea is a good one, there are just some things others don’t like about it. But I will keep an eye out, as I am quite interested in how things will move :smile:

As soon as, I realize that an idea is not good - I drop it, immediately. However, we might argue about how “good” means. Unfortunately, despite everyone think s/he knows the meaning of this word very well, the facts and the history prove that they don’t.

According to Cambridge dictionary:

on social media, a group of people who have similar interests or who want to achieve something together:

Interesting enough

the people living in one particular area


people who are considered as a unit because of their common interests,

(and finally to add more fuss)

social group, or nationality

Check the date of this definition and you will discover that things started to get weird when we changed the meaning of the word extending them to semantic meaning that did not fit at all with the new reality therefore we started to apply ancient rules to completely new reality with completely different dynamics.

This is the reason because I cited an etymological dictionary.

The second definition from the Cambridge Dictionary is a modern extension of the primary meaning while the rest is just noise.

We start to learning reading around 6 years old but some people never understand what they read, in fact. Which would not be a great problem unless they would recognize it, but obviously they do not. It would not still a big problem either, until others leverage this lack of awareness. It would even not a problem of mine unless someone brings it on my work desktop, then it started be a serious issue.

I know where to go after Sailfish: to bed, because this thread has given me a headache! :wink:


I guess, not so much the thread, as some participants.


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

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Q: Where to go after Sailfish?

A: Lenovo IdeaPad Duet 3 10IGL5-LTE

Has SIM card slot and built in 4G cellular modem, 1920 x 1200 px 10" touchscreen, detachable physical keyboard (also usable wireless by BT), Intel CPU, a tiny but full featured PC running Ubuntu 23.04, works like a charm! Fits easily into a handbag.

edit: Sometimes I need a magnifying glass, but everything works like on a ‘big’ desktop PC.


Fairphone 5 (with a curious choice of an LTS Qualcomm chipset), Pixel 8, and probably some others are near shipping.


  • Jolla in financial restructuring
  • unclarity around if there will ever be another Sailfish release
  • metric ton of fiddling effort needed for (only partially) updated browser engine, but (visibly) only volunteer work is available: Flypig's gecko dev diary
  • no modern device news beyond X10 III of any kind

I wonder if now’s the time to jump… :weary:

Fortunately for daily driver, albeit relatively slow and sluggish UX in many things, this X10 II is able to keep me on the road fairly well. And many things in SFOS are executed well. I’ll certainly hang in there until maybe the next Community meeting, and hopefully an official blog statement of some kind.

Where are you currently at in your jump story, fellow shiphopper?


What about a (banana) pi in an old nokia case?

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How many people are really involved in this transition?

Nowhere at the moment. Why should I jump elsewhere, whithout really knowing that this story is already over. Yes there is the possibility, that Jolla will not survive. But even when this happens, it is still not clear what happens then. If they open source all parts of Sailfish, there would be still a future for Sailfish. Even so I’m unsure how realistic this is.

If the story ends, I still have a working device and enough time to decide, where to go. There are not so many options. I fear plasma mobile as well as mobian has still a long way to go, until there is a suitable daily driver device. Especially when there is no capable hardware around. So in the end I have to decide if I want to use UBports or one of the AOSP ROMs.

I will decide, when, and if it is necessary. Up to this day, I use my most favoured mobile OS. And this is without any doubt Sailfish.


Unfortunately, everything indicates that the story is over. As I wrote in another post, where is the business with Mercedes Group and why is Zetsche Jr. member of the board?

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Why speculating. I’m not sitting on a boat with too less life vests. So I have plenty of time to decide where to go. At the moment Jolla is still alive, even so they are struggling, so why should I leave at the moment. If they go bankrupt, I will decide where to go, but even then, I probably will use my sailfish device for a few month more, just in case that Silica becomes open source.

I still don’t see any reason for a premature decision.
I prefer to base my decisions on facts rather than on some speculations. No matter how likely they are.
So I just wait and see.


I second you @Fellfrosch and I’ll surely keep my phones as they are now and most important for me is that Xperia 10 and Volla (GS290) still will work as data devices if 2G is shutted down. Then I’ll use them data-only as pocket computer and for voice calls I’ll buy a 4G capable Caterpillar phone or something like this, then have to search for something that is not Android and not Apple because I don’t like to have this even without installed apps. I’m really very curious what will be available at this time. For now, 2G for voice calls is still working fine here.

edit: https://www.catphones.com/de-de/cat-b40/

edit: or a Punkt phone (see this thread, post 244 and 245 below), thats more elegant (lady like).


XA2 forever!
I’ll keep my XA2 until I cannot use it anymore like I did this with my N900 between 2010 and 2022 (well, the last years, it was a bit complicated)
Then, I’ll isolate my self again from the norm by looking into the direction of Maemo Leste and/or Pinephone.

Yeah, definitely! :mask: Is that why is the Cat B-40 labelled “Hygien Plus”?


I’ll hack SFOS until it can no longer be hacked. Thereafter, I will resort to full analog backups. Smoke signals. Trebuchets. Pigeon post. Long hand writing with a feather quill. Bows and arrows.