Where to go after Sailfish? (hypothetical)

Yes, have read that. He warns about the same developments as Bostrøm, yet we don’t know if democracies can handle it. The EU is trying and Max Schrems is doing a good job with Noyb.


I love noyb’s work! Here’s the link in case someone missed it (I’m not associated with them in any way)


And Spaghetti are also great.

@Kea @rsoto @DrDweeb I’m not so literate, but what happens nowadays reminds me simply on Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World.

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You bet. Try and install googerteller. It detects whenever your data is being sent to google and facebook and emits a farting sound when that happens. Then just try and surf a little bit and listen to all the farting. If these were real farts, the air quality in your room would very soon be such that you’d pass out! :smiling_face_with_tear:
It’s depressing, really.


Thanks for the hint @mortenbo , but better than farting would be blocking.

Right, but that you cannot do. It is the servers you contact that transmits your data to the behemoths. We are powerless. The only thing one can do is not use the internet. Even using vpns or onion routing may not be enough as sophisticated AI-algorithms may identify us from our usage patterns.

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No, there’s a lot one can do on ones own computer. If you analyze a source text of some random website, look how many links point at g**gletagmanager + other G* services, social media stuff, tracker, advertising tools and so on. Why should a browser addon not be able to block these requests?


This is where I will go… hypothetically.

I’ve had this Nokia 301 as a backup, laying unused in a drawer since my Sailfish start in februari 2014.
Well, since there are no 4G/5G, I might have to buy a new feature phone. :wink:

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Exactly this model is currently my backup phone.

Let me know if you want to buy a new one, I didn’t even remove the screen protector. :wink:

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I tested Kaiostech device for a month and I really was not tempted to go back to a smartphone. If serious OS like Sailfishos or UbuntuTouch should die I will look for Kaios!

IMHO I got trapped too many times with android garbage collector and the need for “reboot” to deal with it.
Of course it’s only my personal concern: my daughter is happy with her android 12 to draw pixelart and see cartoons, my son can play with dragons and can see youtube.
On the other hand they tried remote schooling with Gsuite on their tablets, but found that a 10 years old laptop pc with lower specs and Ubuntu works waaaay better.
I hope people will find for every need a different device fits.

Many good interesting replies here. Thank you :100: ! But what is the solution? Idk still what I would do, but discourse insisted on the checkbox click and thus with tears in the eyes :sob: your

post / phone has been clicked :call_me_hand:.