And hopefully the FP4 port will also become public soon ™ :-).
Still good enough for sailfish.
Hello, mal.
Is there any news about port for Fairphone 5?
I did manage to get call audio working yesterday. I still need to cleanup the repos and build everything on OBS and then build proper image to test that everything still works.
i,m the beta tester
Sounds really cool I’m trying to decide whether to keep my C2 or go for an FP5. have you been successful?
In my test image I have currently everything except vibrator, hardware codecs and camera video recording working. I’m still thinking if I should fix vibrator which I know how to fix but just need to implement the needed change. There might be some issues with VoLTE calls but I need check if there is some way work around those issues.
Sounds like it is running pretty well, really cool!
hello Mr. mal can i test your image please?
Very curious, are you sure you can release VoLTE as in a community port?
I mean I can imagine that you probably done the support for the other qualcomm Xperias too, but would be very interested if this can be available on other qualcomm ports as a package in jolla common repos. Thanks!
Is the image able to run Waydroid?
Not sure what waydroid requires, I have never used it.
Configs can be made with other binder dev names
Only things that script complained were CONFIG_SW_SYNC_USER and the binder device names which I have “binder,vndbinder,hwbinder,puddlejumper,vndpuddlejumper,hwpuddlejumper”. Is CONFIG_SW_SYNC_USER really needed?