What actually is Aurora OS and who is using it?

It was already open, you can see it minimize to penultimate tile, gj on getting 9 apps in the rustore

Open or not, it looks fast, beautiful, modern and damn these animations are fluid.
If this is crap hardware as mentioned before, now thats the optimization we were talking about yesterday.

But anyway, maybe one day we see sfos too get faster with a modern redesign.
I hope mind2 and C2 sell like crazy if it helps :smiley:


Hopefully not. Looks like Android garbage


Where did you see android though?
And what is wrong with any similarity somewhere?
Just curious because to me it really looks like exactly what it is. A more modern sfos ui (from what I’ve seen in 5 seconds ofc).

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currently problem with SailfishOS is that its little bit messy, as it has some legacy design from previous versions (which causes some inconsistency), and because there is huge lack of native apps the huge contrast between the SailfishOS and android apps makes the issue worse.

The many of SailfishOS design element are great but some are also its downfall at least if Jolla wants to gain any mainstream appeal.

how I see what Aurora 5.x has done is trying get best part of sailfishOS with some mainstream elements that exist in android and ios …and personally I think they have found a good middle ground.

is it perfect? God no.

but like it or not SailfishOS is corp product, and Jolla as any other company need to make their product appealing to the mainstream to make money (at least enough to be profitable)


Really? SFOS 1 looks more modern


I’ve seen a lot of complains back in the day and people still saying that they despise the UI changes that happened with v3 etc.
I believe these people are the biggest reason for the state of the UI we have today.
Stuck 2 decades behind while the long dead meego still looks more modern.
Just sad :neutral_face:


modern, sure but it also had many bad design elements. And most of the best core design elements where from MeeGo

(just because its modern/new/fancy doesn’t mean better.)

SailfishOS 1 was like KDE4 it had many nice fancy modern elements but it overall it sucked to used…and it took A LONG time for the devs to refine and polish how everything should work and look better for the mainstream users without loosing the core (design) principles


Except for icons that sucks big times :stuck_out_tongue: they are seriously horrendous

stay away from branded icons :grin:

That is true.
They look as basic as it gets :sweat_smile:

For me, it looks like Android garbage too. Topbar always visible, no PullDown/PushUp menu, white background, UI and layout of application elements…


Thank you @remote, that was interesting to read (also this GitHub repo linked from the article).

I guess someone forgot a Aurora OS Tablet on the bus with all the intressting things.


/qmlscene ru.auroros.appname.qml command works on Aurora OS only if you have file in

/usr/share/applications/ru.auroraos.appname and main qml file have full mane

/usr/share/ru.auroraos.ApplicationTemplate/qml/ru.auroraos.ApplicationTemplate.qml (by default it named ApplicationTemplate.qml)

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You can also run clear silica-qml app by replacing sailfish-qml to aurora-qml.


Some apps from Openrepos was successfully installed on Aurora OS 4 device by adding certificate.

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as people say - it is made by kernel (ima)

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for october '24 it’s still gecko 78

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