Volla Installation guide

Thanks so far for all your help. I’ll send it back in to pro repair. Must be a hardware defect. I’m flashing since 2012 and never had so much trouble. Let’s see. But then I get it back with Android 12 again, I need a new method to flash sailfish. Otherwise new rephone are not flashebal with sailfish. The rephone is worth it to be supported for a longer time, would be nice and sustainable. Good thing that I have 2 working nicely.

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My new Rephone is on Android 12 i have installed a GSI Image

works perfect

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With the Gigaset GX4 (not PRO), de-bricking worked with SPFlashToolV6 only to restore the bootloader. Afterwards, flashing different operating systems worked without problems. It is further described here: https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/the-volla-x23-gx4-thread/15726/91

Thank you for your stories. They helped a lot. :slight_smile:



I am trying to follow the steps, but I get the following error:

product: k69v1_64_k419
Sending ‘boot_a’ (32768 KB) OKAY [ 1.401s]
Writing ‘boot_a’ OKAY [ 0.578s]
Finished. Total time: 2.080s
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::out_of_range’
what(): basic_string::compare: __pos (which is 496) > this->size() (which is 0)
./flash.sh: línea 38: 1367 Abortado (`core’ generado) fastboot flash super super.img
flash super error

I have VollaOS 12-20240202 installed.

thank you very much

hmm i have the dark feeling that i did experience that one too, but it is years ago, if at all
are you running the script on linux, windows, mac ?

search in the forum for:
basic_string::compare: __pos

and you will find some hits for other volla or gigaset devices, as the porter and the scripts are very similar, they may help you


Which device was that? GS5 ?

Did you wipe the user data and cache partitions (in recovery)?

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I’m using Fedora, I will follow your search instructions…

Thank you very much!

yes, GS5

I have deleted everything…

Thank you very much!

If I recall correctly, I had the same or a similar problem. Check your platform-tools / fastboot version. I have fastboot version 33.0.3-8952118 installed myself while my package mananger has installed fastboot version 34.0.4-android-tools.

Might be a bug in the more recent version.

Good luck

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was already weighing that probability.

I think that’s the problem…

thank you very much


I am trying to install waydroid by following GitHub - sailfishos-open/waydroid: Waydroid packaging for Sailfish OS but I have not been able to get it to work.

Is it possible to get it working?

I install the packages following another thread where they indicate to do it through Chum.

@jmdlpino I can provide what I did successfully on my Volla:

You have to install packages from Chum - waydroid and waydroid-runner.

Then install from terminal -
$ devel-su
# zypper in waydroid-gbinder-config-hybris

Then as devel-su:
# vi /etc/gbinder.d/anbox-hybris.conf

Change aidl2 to aidl3, (appears 4 times in the file)

Save file.

# waydroid init

edit /etc/dnsmasq.conf to uncomment the following line (Volla, line 124):
# vi /etc/dnsmasq.conf

systemctl disable --now dnsmasq

Then reboot and start waydroid

Many thanks to @Sheigorath , who gaves me this hint long time ago.

And: NEVER update Waydroid if it reports an available OTA update. This may work a few times, but sooner or later it will break the system and even if it works it brings nothing.

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Exactly, stick with a working image

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I had high hopes with your instructions, because I was missing the step of modifying the /etc/dnsmasq.conf file.

I thought the problem was there.

But when I run it, it stays on the “Starting Android session/Waiting for Android UI” screen.

I have to clarify that I’m running SailfishOS from Boot Manager…

Thank you very much for your help.

When i had your issue, i had to use an older image. If you search my posts, you might find the description. Usually i do note evrything down.

The thing is: based on installation time you might endup with different image, some work, some not. At least my experience

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It is in gs290 installation thread

check my posts, somewhere i had issues with space then image

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I am using

you mean using older versions?

Thank you.


Older version of waydroid image or better the image of os running in waydroid i think it is.
if you would read my posts, you would see that i do init waydroid with an specified image version not with default.
if you run just waydroid init it will take some current vanilla android version i think.
i did download an older, working version and told waydroid to init with that.

i would suggest that you comment on my posts in the other thread, cause that i do not need to jump between them, might be easier for us


so while this post wont help you, it shows that i actually did download the image separately and then did waydroid init with the option to specify the path to downloaded image

problem is: i did switch my laptop and doubt to more details available on the topic.
but if you would check waydroid init options you could start from there, same as i did

ok i did find two download adresses:


i assume this is it, my working images … that’s all i can do for you
hope that helps


thank you very much.

more than grateful.

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