Visual design. Discussing ideas for the future

That’s exactly my situation, and i get your point, but the edge swipe fails about 50% of the times so that would be much quicker…

From my point of view I would improve the contacts app and the phone app. Try to make a call with one hand an 2 active sim cards. It’s a mess at the moment.
In SFOS 2 it was much better than today it is.
This apps should have the buttons in the range of the right or left thumb or the pulleye menu should have a call entry.

Then it should be a must have for the usability rules for all apps.
For me it was a hard break as all the buttons came into the designs… I’m a big fan of pulleye menus really.

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We 've tried to have some sort of discussion (and bug reports) about all the inconsistencies in SFOS but sadly it didn’t gain any traction with jolla.

Usability and inconsistencies are a different topic.

This is about visuals.

For me design an usability comes together an should not be divided.

A good shape without good usability is useless and user frustration will be the result.

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At least SailfishOS allow us to patch everything like we need/like it.

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There should be not too much general(istic) rules for app developer. Different usecases require different approaches to provide best usability for the particular usecase.

Yes, I’m also a pulley fan, this looks ‘cool’ for me and is Sailfish typical and I like it. But if a pulley requires scrolling long text to upper end and leaving my current position before I can reach the pulley, then no thanks.

Given the looong banana phones, a few buttons on the bottom in portrait mode or on one side (please configurable, for left or right handed users!) in landscape mode, would also be OK for me, like in the mail app.

I know but i prefer solving “problems” for everyone in the main release.

I would say, jolla inserted buttons here and there cause sailfish was selling very very (and i mean very) poorly and they hoped to sell more if people shuldn’t have to stare at an empty screen without nothing to clic/press/tap

People are used to the “in your face” android approach, rather than the “discover hidden things for a cleaner look” sailfish approach and that’s why they changed from sf 1 to 2, and then inserted buttons with 3 and 4…

Still, i would love to have sf 1 back, much more than any sf 5/6/7/etcetcetc


Apple and Windows Phone did merge to Android-Design/Pulldowns/Hamburger/Widgets in the Past. Thats a pity in any way. The SFOS-Attemp is a new way so it would be a big loss if they just copy Android and become another look-a-like-Android-clone.


When it comes to visual things, I would VERY much like to have one small improvement: avatar thumbnails shown in the list of contacts, call history and messages. Not just names, but also contact avatars. For persons with poor / aging eyesight it is a HUGE help to see the avatar rather than have to read the names. On Blackberry 10 phones avatar thumbnails were used wherever possible, whereas on SFOS they are mostly unused, with the only exception being blurred background image during a call, “favorite” contacts bar, and notifications (missed calls, messages, but not emails) on the Events screen. Why not have them shown for every item in the contacts list, call history and messages?


Maybe there should be a pulleye menu with max. 4 entry slosts in every app. In the standard app menu should be a function “add to app pulleye menu” .

Then the pulleye becomes configurable and very short.

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I think you are wrong. I would say that the buttons came about during Russian introduction. They are all a result of Aurora’s development. I think Jolla had very little to say about it.
On the other hand, I’m often wrong, so don’t bet on it. :wink:


Why go all the way to the other side?
There are tons of things to do in SFOs that will improve the UI without losing anything from SFOs overall design and identity.
SFOs UI is basically the same for about a decade with very small tweaks. Why you assume that any change will make it like android?