Using Internet over rndis USB computer (reverse tethering)

Did you try to check:

  grep NetworkInterfaceBlacklist /etc/connman/main.conf
  NetworkInterfaceBlacklist = p2p,usb,rmnet,rev_rmnet

Yes, I removed usb, same issue, then removed everything, same issue :frowning:

Propably a silly question: Did you restart conman after adapting the config?

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There is no silly question for me, yes i restarted the daemon and also rebooted the phone to double check.
But I didn’t recompile the connman to not mess up with my SFOS which is used as my main phone now.

“The day we’ll have a *BSD mobile system, life will indeed change :slight_smile: we can keep dreaming …”
Seems like OpenBSD is running on the Pinephone. At least, partly…

Yes, and it all is one huge sh*t (for now) - totally useless.

PS: I bought the PinePhone to test all available versions of software and nothing makes any sense, except the Manjaro one, that still has some downs, but is more or less usable.
Unfortunately the DEV version of the phone is too weak to support emulator where one can run Android.

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