I don’t know if this is the right category, if not feel free to correct me.
I have experienced severe problems when i tried to switch from my oldish Xperia XA2 Ultra to my new stylish Xperia 10III. All my old settings and files and stuff could not easily be transported to the new device. I tried to create a backup on the Ultra and tried to restore this on the 10III. But only the pictures and videos were transferred, nothing of the rest. I spent hours to find out where there might be the place to store my notes, or where to find my contacts. With my contacts i resigned and had them exported from my old phone and imported the file on my new, a task, that i really had expected to be performed by making and recreating backups. With the notes i finally managed to find the sqlite-db and copy it.
But also all the other programs were lost. On debian I remember there is a feature to record all installed programs and after a new installation to feed this record back to the installation system.
On SailfishOs there is no such thing. So figuring out wich Software I had and how this was configured turned out to be tedious too.
So the feature request is: there could be developed some software that helped with the transition from one phone to another?
Perhaps there already is and I just missed it. Then this Software should be advertized much more prominently.
Best regards