I am also Tidal users for years now.
Would be awesome to have native app.
I actually started again yesterday, with some help from Claude 3.5 Sonnet. Lets see, where it goes. The combination of python, qml and a phone is somehow tricky …
ok guys, you can test the current version by downloading a pre-release build from
it is for now the harbour-tidalplayer-master-1.noarch.rpm file which gets updated with every commit.
I managed to login on a second device, with some restart in between. You have access to your playlist and you can play single tracks you can search for.
error: Failed dependencies:
python3-dateutil is needed by harbour-tidalplayer-master+heads.master.20241227140412.ccf71c7-1.aarch64
python3-future is needed by harbour-tidalplayer-master+heads.master.20241227140412.ccf71c7-1.aarch64
Looks like requirements from Requires are not met. There are not such packages in default repository so they should be included in the player rpm.
Have a look here https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/tidal-app-discussion/16657/24 and in the answer, maybe that helps?
How can you login? I always end up at a page where there is a code already inserted to link a device and after that I get a page saying that I am logged in:
For now, a restart of the app should be the fix.
Thank you, I know how to deal with missing packages, it is just a reminder.
May be I miss something important but how are you able to login to Tidal if the app redirects to sailfishos.org page? And such page is hard coded in OAuth.qml.
This happens currently, when not all python 3 requirements are meet. Today, I needed to install python3-devel to fix this, though I don’t understand why this would be required. Thought this might be a PT2 specific issue.
Ah, right. Thanks
Is that the same build from march 2024?
The noarch-build is recent, the others are outdated.
If you add a license to your repo, I’ll add the python3 dependencies and your player to chum for automated builds. I had been looking at adding futures and dateutil to chum anyway.
I did some stuff the last day, including adding a LICENCE file. The player should do basic work but tracks in the playlist have to be forwarded manually right now …
Cool! I’ll try to get the packages up next week!
Back here on c2 i do wonder if there is an update.
alli installation packages failed to install on c2
There is currently no update. But if you fail to install the player on your c2, could you post the errors? Which packages are problematic? This could help me to, I suppose