Today I had another iteration of thinking:
- it sucks that jolla is not fixing XY
- well, they are actually not earing money with it. They can only pay their devs for the smartphone stuff only with new licenses
- I’d love to give them a monetary incentive to support older devices and get more money influx
- I think many others are thinking like that here
- hm there should be a subscription model
- forget that, we discussed that alread 50 times, also what benefit should they provide for the subscription? Priority queue at the support? A badge? For sure something thats not much work for them. Basically I mainly want them to collect donations…
- hm I could just buy another license this year, haven’t bought one this year yet
- I guess I wouldnt be the only one who’s hoarding licenses. What should I do with a leftover license?
- Lets start a small fun art project!
Heres the idea. You now I propose to play the same on a small canvas.
Running your purchase id through a hash function allows you to claim one pixel, and give it a new color.
We may or may not come up with a clever idea to verify that this is actually a purchase and not just some random hash.
I propose we fight over something like 16*16 pixels, and its simple: the more licenses you own, the more power you got.
What do you guys think? Anyone willing to help? This may happen or may get stuck, depending on responses