The Great Electric Vehicle topic: apps and experiences with electric driving

It’s rather funny to me that Google Maps navigation works without an account, but it’s rather sad to read that battery preheating doesn’t work without Google Maps… But IIRC Polestar was working with the dev of ABRP to get that integrated. I might misremember though!

At the end, the idea was that the user should not think on this kind of stuff… And google had the perfect plan… integrate as much as possible with the car, then… nobody can avoid google… (same as what happened with phones)


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My experience with Tesla model 3 (2019) is quite good. Bluetooth is okay for playing music from my X10iii. Phone calls may not work with the first call, but after that it works for the rest of the trip.

Tesla app and Vattenfall InCharge app work fine. Of course Android phones will continue to communicate with the car whenever they can, so the car will select my wife’s phone for Bluetooth when she is around, and I must set my own profile manually, for music, seat position, etc.

All in all better than expected!



Yesterday I discovered that the app from Stadtwerk Ingolstadt is nothing but a webview to this URL: SWI e-motion

I found it interesting, I don’t know what features have and which ones haven’t

Sadly the native app Tesla provides for Sailfish is command line only, so I had to create the QML UI myself.


That looks amazing! Would love to have a native app for my Zoe :slight_smile:

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Very nice looking and great design!

Where can I find this app to install?


tesla provides a cli tool arm compatible for linux? WAW it’s amaizing!

Home-Assistant has a Renault integration (written in python, IIRC) and the project is open source, so stealing the code for a SFOS app would get an interested developer part of the way there.


Yes. It’s open source and works on SFOS without any changes.
With Bluetooth LE support and everything.


The cli one directly from the Tesla github page.

I’ve used their SDK to build a binary that supports dbus instead of CLI commands and integrated it with a QML UI but haven’t released it yet because it would require my fleet API key to be distributed along the binary.


What if you publish the code with fake API key? I’ll fork it and try to add a Settings page to store an individual key.

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And could the binary be published?

Please publish the sources, so other people can profit from your excellent work and adapt the code for other vehicles as well :slight_smile:

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That’s what I’m using right now indeed. Browser and HA, works quite well :slight_smile:

Even have it integrated with my Pebble via Rockpool: I can follow the battery charge on my wrist while it’s plugged in.

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That should be fine. I’ll try to clean up the code (e.g. remove my VIN from a few places) and put it online next week. I think the Bluetooth LE functionality may actually only require a regular, self-generated key but offers only (very) limited functionality.



did you have the time to cleanup the sources and release it?
Or did i miss the release of the sources?
Just wondering because three weeks have passed without further infos.

Best regards,

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