Thank you @eson , but unfortunately it doesn’t work. maybe the bug relies to my tweaks.
AllRadio tries to start and shows a white screen.
Well, there is something wrong. While it works fine on my X10III, it didn’t now when I tried on my C2. White screen, same as you.
Waiting for a potential fix, I can recommend SailWave.
In my C2 white screen was because it is missing that mpris-qt5-qml-plugin.
Installed that with @wetab73 instructions in Internet Radio app for Sailfish OS.
devel-su pkcon install mpris-qt5-qml-plugin
For me this was enough to get AllRadio on-the-air again.
Yes, you are right, That was what’s missing.
To thank everyone once again for the many good advice and the nice conversation my
topic became I liked every post up til this one
Big news : I went for the plunge and updated !! After the majority advised me to I decided
and it seems all went fine. Everything is still there and calling as well as sms seem to
work. I once opened Signal but messaged no one yet, seems to work, my Android Firefox
with bookmarks seems to work too , I’m suspecting that most of apps if not all will probably
work too, let’s hope things stay this way
I’m sure you’ll find some regressions too, but if you base your judgement on the few loud elements on a support forum you’re forever doomed to stay in place thinking it’s all crashing down
There IS progress without any doubt, but unfortunately one ALWAYS has to fix some bugs after EVERY update. SFOS should be renamed in Tamagotchi OS, short TOS. So I decided to make a break for some time…
edit: …and simply use it as it is now with all it’s whistles and bells.
Yes that’s very true I understand it now
Same here, actually, I look at it from the ‘never-perfect-perspective’ anyway, as nothing
really is, right ?
I was just kind of stressed out because finally after so long I discovered a no-google-and-no-bs system for my phone and after a few months the update came out and I got scared