SSH + SFTP access to phone lost

Ah, you figured it out… -v is nothing on its own.
That was the next reasonable step… so something about the dns has gone out of sync.

I suggest permanenting the device ip in your router, so then this will never happen. And while you are at it, reboot the router.

Edit: my bad - it still isn’t working… then i’m probably out of ideas with that reboot.
Well, maybe check the journal log on the phone while failing to ssh to it.

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The IP addresses on LAN are static, anyhow I will reboot the router (which is another Xperia 10) and then report. Btw, the ssh connection to this ‘router phone’ always worked from the laptop and from the ‘other’ X10. Only the Volla doesn’t accept connections coming from laptop or other X10, says always:

debug1: connect to address port 22: Connection refused
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused

edit: Tomorrow I’ll try to delete all keys for the passwordless login and then and re-establish. I strongly suspect that something there is broken. It worked for months, until today afternoon, an hour later without any reason it suddenly failed. All the rest still works fine on the Volla. Strange…

No need to do that yet, “connection refused” is quite clear (and happens on a layer below ssh): the phone is refusing connections on port 22 - sshd config does not come into play here yet.

Either sshd is not running (is Developer mode enabled, and the “allow remote connections” switch checked, does netstat -lpn | grep 22 show sshd listening?
Or the phone firewall does not allow port 22.
Or the router does not allow forwarding to port 22 (can you ping the phone??).

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Just in case, in settings -> developper mode: Is remote connection item selected?

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And usually, i use: ssh -l defaultuser

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Thank you very much, this worked on the first try! I did nothing else than connect the Volla with LAN and execute this command.
My good old ssh volla using an entry in ~/.ssh/config also works again.
Accessing the Volla by Linux GUI also works again.
The Volla is up and running again. Thank you very much, @phklrz !

Thank you much @nephros , meanwhile it runs again, so I could do your suggested check in a comfortably way on the laptop screen. Result is:

andrea@andrea-Voom-Laptop-Max:~$ ssh volla
Last login: Mon Apr 24 11:02:52 2023 from
| Sailfish OS (Struven ketju)
[defaultuser@VollaPhone ~]$ devel-su
[root@VollaPhone defaultuser]# netstat -lpn | grep 22
tcp        0      0 :::22                       :::*                        LISTEN      1/systemd           
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     54336  2393/xdg-dbus-proxy /run/firejail/dbus/100000/2295-user
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     54338  2393/xdg-dbus-proxy /run/firejail/dbus/100000/2295-system
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     53322  2326/booster-browse /run/user/100000/mapplauncherd/_sailfish-browser/browser/socket
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     47567  1822/pulseaudio     /run/user/100000/pulse/dbus-socket
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     46313  1822/pulseaudio     /run/user/100000/pulse/native
[root@VollaPhone defaultuser]# 

So evertthing found with this command seems now to be up and running and listening as it should. And from normal user sight the phone works again as it should. Again many thanks, @nephros !

…and you can persist that in the user config so you never need to think about it again:


host jolla jollatab gemini
    user nemo
host xperia10 xperiiia10 xperiaxc
    user defaultuser
host laptop workstation
    user nephros
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_backup_nopass
  IdentitiesOnly yes
  user git
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_github
  IdentitiesOnly yes