Sony 10 V Sailfish images

Just flashed 4.6.15 on Xperia 10 V, soo coool


I’m going to do it… but still in upgrade Android versions from 13 → 14
I’m little bit afraid to update to the last one 68.1.A.2.230, which should be from Aug2024, but I can’t find any information if it’s not Android 15 :slight_smile:
The last one with information is this one:

Do you think that it’s safe to update it?
EDIT: Update was to A14, another appears, which I didn’t try and flash my Xperia 10 V to SailfishOS, which is working without problem.


Upgraded to the latest A14 the phone offered, and installed successfully. So far so good! :slight_smile:

how have you flashed your Xperia 10 V to 68.1.A.2.230?
Emma proposes only the version 68.0.A.0.797.
The tool Xperifirm proposes the version 68.1.A.2.244.

Other questions, sorry: where can we find the file Sailfish_OS-Jolla- for Xperia 10 V? And where can we find the file SW_binaries_for_Xperia_Android ?

In here: Index of /images/

There are also the installation instructions as PDF files. They have links pointing to the Sony binary blobs.

See chapter “New devices” at [Release notes] Sauna


I had an error that my device wasn’t in the list of supported devices, because i have the 8gb ram version, so i just removed the check from the script and then it flashed without problems


@smatkovi, thanks for sharing your experience and for trying things out. I too have the 8gb variant.
Any obvious things missing?
8gb ram shows up?
Two sims shown in the settings app? Both sim slots working?
Thanks for sharing your progress.

Oh 8Gb ram shows up. It seems that only sim slot 1 is working

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And audio output to audio Jack isn’t working. Audio shortly disappears and then it seems it detects that the sink isn’t working and rerouting to the speakers. Although if one disconnects the cable music stops. So it is recognized at least. But maybe that’s also with the 6GB variant

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But battery runtime is sensational i started with 86% in the morning and still have 69% now. Although it doesn’t get updated, but after a forced reboot one sees the percentage and then it stays at that value


Camera isn’t working… on XQ-DC54. So it’s not fun :slight_smile:

As writen in release notes.

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Yes this one i know. But i had a huge Adrenalin rush putting sfos on it. And it runs really smooth and fast on that device. It’s a real charm


For me this does not matter, I always carry a mirrorless with me, never use a phone to take pictures.
I am so happy the V now runs sweet Sailfish instead of ugly and messy Android


Concerning the battery level, this was stated by the jolla team. It is a beta version.

Concerning the camera , this was stated by the jolla team. It is a beta version.

Yes i know both, but for the people that didn’t read thaw

I can remember to see a pull request with a ofono config. This commit blocked the second slot of Xperia 10V. It was necessary because of eSIM from european model. My version has two physical sim card slots. I will check it and probably we can activate the second card soon :slight_smile: or we will wait for an official image from Jolla


We all care so much about those.