Sony 10 V Sailfish images

I visited this Supported Devices | Sailfish OS Documentation and sow that Sony 10 V is supported. So i ordered one.

Now i wondering about images. There is no image available by jolla shop. Lates supported device is sony 10 III.

So is supported or not and how i can get images for sony 10 V. Anybody knows?


Just search the forum and you shall find.

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Have a look at [Release notes] Sauna hopefully release towards end of August.

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XQ-DC54 images? Can’t find anything.

Yes in the release notes is a link to jolla Shop Jolla shop
But there is not images for this phone XQ-DC54. Sorry that’s not helps.

Obviously there won’t be secret links hidden somewhere. They simply have not launched. As per what @aspergerguy says, the linked thread, and several other threads - it will be another 1-2 months, i.e. ~August.

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Actually, it should happen anytime between today and July 20th at the very latest. Release of the free version within “1-2 months” was announced on Jolla Love Day 2, i.e. already more than 1 month ago. So we’re actually already past the starting date, and with less than 30 days left until it actually gets delayed. As for August, it is only the commercial components (e.g. the AppSupport) which were said to come out in August.


Ok, thank, that answer my question. Thank i will wait for august.