Sony 10 V Sailfish images

Ok, thank, that answer my question. Thank i will wait for august.

Just want to push this topic. I will order sailfish x as soon as Sony 10 V is supported.

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You want to do what?

Just make noise to make Jolla aware that there are people waiting for the 10-V Support…

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Seriously? Don’t.
Send them a postcard.


I wonder how that would make the Sony people work any faster, or solve any technical issues magically.


Sure that helps to understand that the images are not available.

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you know, i actually still don’t understand. why does Supported Devices show 10V with a 4.6.0 first release if there was no such release? especially now that august has come and gone, the information available is only getting more confusing.


First, I was not aware that this is the problem caused by Sony (i.e. that Jolla does not have images). Not everybody is following the Jolla news, you know.

Second, there are also no images or C2 devices. The shop still shows the same message as in July (I can still “Reserve my exclusive Jolla Community Phone”). What is stopping Jolla from delivering the C2 Phones?

The screen of my XA2 is broken and I am waiting for the 10V image. If this is not an option due to Sony I would buy the C2. But it seems I might be waiting for an image there as well.

First you can get your c2 in prague, if you’re in Europe, second you can compile sfos for xperia 10 v yourself. Although i must say i didn’t manage to compile it, so if someone managed, i would be glad if one shares it.

Check again. I just order it.

EDIT: Read this post for more info.


I checked and it still says that I can reserve a phone. So honestly, it does not sound like I can order something that is delivered by a week or so. It sounds like a Kickstarter project.

Edit: thanks for the link. So maybe ordering is really an option…

Edit 2: So I just ordered it now. I hope I will not regret it. Jolla-1 served me well as every day phone.

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Yes, i also not understand it. That’s why i bough Sony 10 V and running in the issue after try to install it.
Of course, it should not be so. I have created this ticket so that I understand whether it’s just me or I didn’t miss something.

We’ll update here when the free Sailfish OS version is available.


Cannot wait. My 10 V is a dust collecter still as it is almost no fun to use when there is only android



Well, I give it to the children for so long, who know which android games they can play…

Not that it helps to know when images will be released, but it is a sure sign of excellent progress. From todays community meeting, there was news that the 10IV and 10V are currently released on cbeta.


Is this covered by today’s meeting minutes?

From todays log (the most relevant bits - all from @rainemak):

07:38:25 before ExTechOp asks, Xperia 10 IV and 10 V images are on cbeta now
07:41:44 ExTechOp, the first images are with issues like communicated multiple times. Now we just check that all is good flashing and installation wise then roll out to public for the brave community members
07:44:47 ExTechOp, known issues like Camera disabled, Fingerprint not working on 10 V and Battery status no updating on 10 V to name major ones <= imo

You can always read the whole lot here: