SFOS present and future

While this is (mostly*) true, with an emphasis on “from”, …

The newer ones use a different approach which was developed by Jolla(AppSupport - Jolla ).

… this is not: Jolla simply bought the right from Myriad Group to continue development of Alien Dalvik on their own, because Myriad Group obviously had ceased to do that for their only remaining customer of Alien Dalvik (i.e., Jolla). BTW, the Myriad Group’s principal marketing name was “Myriad Alien Embedded”, but it always meant the same product, i.e., the one called aliendalvik-….rpm on SailfishOS until SailfishOS 4.5.0.

It is actually quite easy to retrace this, if you look at the copyright information and comments of non-binary files (systemd units etc.) which are part of Alien Dalvik at the various stages of its development, i.e., on old SailfishOS releases and the three different device classes WRT Alien Dalvik (Jolla 1 → Jolla C, Jolla Tablet, Xperia X→ Xperia XA2 models with their initial SailfishOS release) .

But Jolla overhauled Alien Dalvik significantly after they bought the right to continue developing it, updating the AOSP utilised from v4.4 to v8 and running it in an LXC container instead of a chroot environment. But the basic design was always the same and the integration into SailfishOS a continuous development, up to and including “Android App Support” nowadays.

Aliendalvik is also not present anymore on Myriads company website.

Yes, for very long: Myriad Group stopped active marketing of Alien Dalvik in 2015, IIRC. Funny to see, that “Android App Support” has become Jolla’s principal product since the demise of Aurora OS (end of 2021 / early 2022).

*: Only “mostly” because Jolla did most of the integration of Alien Dalvik into SailfishOS right from its inception (i.e., starting in 2013). This can also be easily seen in non-binary files, which are part of the Alien Dalvik installation.