SFOS ≥ 4.6 (Foreca / MeeCast): How to (re-)enable weather infos in Events View

MeeCast crashing is not provider related. It seems to crash with whichever provider I try, including yr.no, so this is something else. However the crashing behavior is different on 64-bit (e.g. Xperia 10 III instantly crashes without been able to fetch weather data) vs. 32-bit versions (e.g. Xperia 10…crashing slowly but is still able to fetch weather data), both running SFOS 4.6. Restating MeeCast shows in case of the Xperia 10 III some old data, so no update is possible since yesterday.

I switched provider and now I can happily retrieve data.
I’m using OpenweatherMap and Foreca


Also, I think think it’s not related to SFOS 4.6. I have still (on XA2) and this morning while forcing a refresh I noticed it crashes (i have 4 locations with 2 providers, Foreca and WeatherChannel)
I’ll try to take a look at the logs

UPDATE: The cause of the crashes must be caused by weather.com that has changed format.
In the logs I saw something like:
lipstick[4516]: /home/nemo/.config/harbour-meecast/weather.com_FIXX0002.orig:168: HTML parser error : Tag rect invalid
In fact after I removed those two locations from WC, Meecast doesn’t crash anymore.
I’ll file an issue ticket for the app


Since the last and recent update of meecast the weather is not updating itself automatically according to the interval in settings. Manual update works fine. Is anyone else having this problem?

Mine says version 1.1.40, “The Weather Channel”, SFOS, Xperia X and looks ok. I had to force refresh once after installation, it was failing since 15th July like described above.

Well, app was running. Without the app running, the event view is not updated, as far as I can see…

Yes, last 6 post above you already talk about this problem. So now after weeks and weeks we finally have a widget again but it doean’t update. I suppose @olf is going to pretend this is not an issue until someone makes a post about on github, posts here on the forum don’t seem to count for him.

Meecast for me updates with no issues.
Do you have the versions from here?
You can then update Meecast from here.
See how you go. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I just checked chum and there was an update. It was not there yesterday evening so it was added recently. With this new update the app seems to update again (weather channel provider). The event view hasn’t updated yet but maybe it takes until the next auto-update cycle?

Thank you whoever pushed this update (@olf?), at the very least we can manually check the weather again. Let’s hope that the widget will also start to refresh :slight_smile:

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I am not “pretending” anything, in general “does not work for me”-messages in a forum are never ever proper bug reports for a multitude of reasons.
One of the many is pointed at by your misconception “a post about on github, posts here”: An issue filed in a bug tracker bears many properties a forum post (or rather thread) does not have, which makes posts in a forum thread very badly suited to discuss bugs.

Specifically for MeeCast, Vasvlad who created much of MeeCast’s code and maintains it does not read this forum, hence all talk about functional bugs here is just chit-chat.


Now, does it?


If one uses SailfishOS ≥ 4.6.0, please for now only use the MeeCast-Eventview package (harbour-meecast-event) from SailfishOS:Chum, regardless if installing or updating it.
The most convenient approach is to install and update all MeeCast packages from SailfishOS:Chum when using SailfishOS ≥ 4.6.0.

Background: To make the harbour-meecast-event[view] package offered at OpenRepos work properly on SailfishOS ≥ 4.6.0 requires some additional packaging work (as denoted earlier), I currently have no time for.


Unfortunately it doesn’t, it’s stuck at the last time the app was opened/refreshed.

Well, works fine for me.

Works for me too, Xperia 10 III, SFOS ≥ 4.6.0, installed from Chum.


I think Vasvlad and I have fully resolved installing MeeCast’s Eventview from OpenRepos (preferrably by using Storeman) on SailfishOS ≥ 4.6.0.

I would appreciate very much if someone tests this:

  1. As usual, please remove the harbour-meecast package first (which should also remove all other MeeCast packages: Please check with pkcon search name meecast that none is still installed).
  2. Then install the MeeCast’s Eventview package using Storeman (which should automatically also install the MeeCast Demon and MeeCast proper).

a. Is the installation working fine?
b. Does MeeCast’s Eventview work fine then?

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I couldn’t install Event View itself as it reported “missing application” from Storeman. I did it manually and all is working well


Thank you very much: Will investigate why Storeman / Packagekit does not get this right.

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On a C2 with SFOS 5, storeman says something like “needs SFOS<4.6” when I try the package “meecast event view”. I downloaded “harbour-meecast-eventview-1.11.7-1.aarch64” from openrepos.net but again there is an issue when installing (could not see the error message). I do not have more time to investigate now but will try later.

Same for me.
I then installed MeeCast from Storeman and it works great!

Oh, @lakeboy, @patoll and @filip.k, these results are confusing for me, because they seem to contradict.

@patoll’s report is the most complete one, as it names device and OS version (and even the specific MeeCast-Eventview RPM file). Thanks!

  1. @patoll wrote «storeman says something like “needs SFOS<4.6” when I try the package “meecast event view”», which points to something I have not considered, because all Packages uploaded by a account at OpenRepos end up in a single RPM repository (see here the one of Vasvlad). But Storeman might evaluate some information on the app web-page, then offering the new harbour-meecast-eventview package on a new, separate “MeeCast Eventview for SailfishOS >= 4.6.0” page would resolve this. I can either research this in Storeman’s code (which I did not write) or ask Vasvlad to simply try this.

    But @lakeboy wrote «I couldn’t install Event View itself as it reported “missing application” from Storeman.«, which seems to be a completely different error message!?! :astonished:

  2. @lakeboy wrote «I did it manually and all is working well», which could either mean "… by executing pkcon install harbour-meecast-eventview" (which may have pulled this package from SailfishOS:Chum, if that repository is subscribed) or “… after downloading harbour-meecast-eventview-1.11.7-1.<arch>.rpm from this OpenRepos web-page by clicking on the appropriate harbour-meecast-eventview package for the CPU-architecture of the device, then using pkcon install-local harbour-meecast-eventview or a file-manager / Jolla’s Transfers list to install it”.

    This is contrasted by @patoll’s statement «I downloaded “harbour-meecast-eventview-1.11.7-1.aarch64.rpm” from OpenRepos but again there is an issue when installing (could not see the error message)», which may indicate an issue with the package itself. OTOH, this my be a result of testing on SailfishOS 5.0.0, because Jolla does not yet provide the tooling to compile explicitly for it; currently all MeeCast packages at OpenRepos are compiled for SailfishOS 4.3.0 (which should / are reported to run fine on 4.6.0, 4.5.0, 4.4.0 and 4.3.0), while users of SailfishOS:Chum have reported packages (in general and this one) compiled there for SailfishOS 4.6.0 to work fine on 5.0.0. Hence this may be resolved by recompiling the package(s), which will let them cease to work on older releases than the one compiled for (some users including me are reluctant to upgrade SailfishOS due to regressions).

    As it would be really helpful to know which minimal target release still runs on SailfishOS 5.0.0, I would be happy, if you (or another C2 user) can try this, given that you can spare the time (and please take your time, we are working on understanding and resolving these issues for months, hence a few days more or less do not make a significant difference):

    a. Remove all installed MeeCast packages: pkcon remove harbour-meecast-eventview harbour-meecast-daemon harbour-meecast

    b. Download the harbour-meecast package (only; this is sufficient for testing) from the RPM sub-repository of sailfishos:chum/MeeCast, by clicking on it (the second entry of the bullet-list), then click on the package name again in the title of the page which opened ("Detailed Information About <packagename>").

    c. Install the downloaded package by a file-manager, pkcon install-local <path-to-package> or the “Transfers” list in SailfishOS’ settings app:

    • Does it install?
    • Does it start and seem to work (just a few taps for a very quick & dirty test (often called “smoke test”))?

    d. Remove the package again: pkcon remove harbour-meecast

    If that worked fine, please repeat steps a to d with Meecast’s SFOS:Chum sub-repos for, and if that worked well with the one for

    Finally, please report the lowest SailfishOS target release for which MeeCast installed and started on SailfishOS 5.0.0, and install all packages again to restore a fully working MeeCast (by pkcon install harbour-meecast harbour-meecast-daemon harbour-meecast-eventview with the SailfishOS:Chum GUI app set to, or manually in it with the same setting).

    Take your time, and if you lack any, or that is too tedious for you to test, please tell so (I might try to find another Jolla C2 owner to test this, then).

P.S.: Sorry @filip.k, I do not comprehend your posting: To me the first and second sentence seem contradict each other. Did you mean to express «On a Jolla C2 with SFOS 5.0.0, Storeman says something like “needs SFOS<4.6” when trying to install the package “Meecast Event View”, but installing the package “MeeCast” works»?

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Yes. And MeeCast as app works nicely.

Will try your test on my C2 in the afternoon hopefully.