Setting up General Email (IMAP, SMTP) fails

You’re welcome, and I am glad it helped. Unfortunately, this is still not reproducible easily and thus not of relevance for Jolla.

Same issue here after updating to

Same here, as posted here: Can't creat many kinds of accounts

Which are the packages needed for e-mail accounts? Maybe a reinstallation might help.

[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ rpm -qa | grep mail

I’d suggest jolla-email-settings and jolla-settings-accounts-extensions-email, but I really doubt it’ll make any difference. This whole bug is obscure, it’s not reproducible easily or consistently at all but by us few. If I had to take a pick, I’d suspect libqmfmessageserver1-qt5 as the source of our problems. But again, it’s obscure.

Don’t know, if this might help

Oct 17 19:54:45 Xperia10 estart[14159]: [W] unknown:0 - writeProfileFile() called, forcing disk write: “/home/nemo/.
Oct 17 19:54:45 Xperia10 estart[14159]: [W] unknown:-1 - file:///usr/share/accounts/ui/EmailCryptoSection.qml: File
not found

Workaround to add and syncing of email accounts

  1. removed email related packages
  1. reboot and removed content in /home/nemo/.qmf/mail/*
  2. Reinstalled packages above
  3. Used method from @border to add first account
    4.1) fill in credentials
    4.2) click accept
    4.3) wait 60 seconds and reboot
  4. Email syncing is again possible (only manually, but that’s a gain)
  5. further email accounts can be added the "norma"l way

I’ve spotted some memory corruption inside messageserver5. I suspect that a lot of the mail-related problems could go away if Jolla devs ran the e-mail system via Valgrind.


This worked for me as well. Fill in credentials, accept and wait until the error message (maybe a minute extra), reboot. Don’t go back or select “Skip”.


Having this issue as well with a freshly flashed X10 Plus on Sailfish 4.2. I will try the “reboot-workaround”. By the way it’s kind of embarrassing if you finally convince family members switching to Sailfish and then they are already stranded at setting up their mail account.

Yesterday, I test-drove SFOS on my Pinephone again (the initial setup with encryption of /home shreddered my Mobian installation on internal storage, but otherwise very impressive) and restored a backup from a J1 onto it. Lo and behold, I did not experience any problem whatsoever with accounts.
I am sure this bug still lingers somewhere but is extremely difficult to reproduce in a way that helps developers to find its roots.

Ah, thanks! Did you observe this on 4.2 also? I’ve never had this problem with 3.4 but with 4.2 it seems that this, and the PIN options, are being corrupted.

Just flashed back to Sailfish this morning with the hope that Volte shows up in 1Q2022.

However I seem to have run into this problem when I try and add an email account to the email app. However in my case, it seems to be an endless loop of “Checking account credentials” with no error message ever showing up.

Xperia 10 Plus, Build

Did you try to automatically create the account by entering address & password , or manual setup?

Did you follow the links to TJC found in “additional informatio”? It boils down too reboot…

I tried rebooting several times which didn’t work; I did a full reset and that fixed it.

On an XA2, freshly installed
After a full device reset, we could create the mail account.
But then, it has been displaying: updating account forever.

(the mail account is configured so it doesn’t download attachments)

Strangely, the passwords entered in the account server settings are shown as “default” each time one comes back to them. The Mail application keeps showing “updating account”. We’ve tried several combinations of setting the password and then rebooting before reopening Mail. But still the same.

It turned out that the outgoing server needed to be named differently now as it used to. So the specific problem is solved.

=> What is indeed broken is that there are no error messages that help either advanced or new users to know what could be wrong or what could be done to change the situation.

But good that it works!

4 posts were split to a new topic: E-mail app should offer immediate deletion / erasure

And since two years, and version 3.3, 3.4, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 it is not possible to power off the device! Some tricks may help sometimes, but not always. e.g. press and hold vol up button and then press power button… To have a phone I never ever am able to power off is a strange feeling…

edit: the delete feature is not the only reason of my current fret, it’s also the above mentioned power off misery, the censory + flagging misery, … These two are the main things I have to critisize. Some others are minor important.

But the main reason for my anger is, what SFOS COULD BE easily, but IS NOT.

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