It might be. However, unless promoting the useful posts linking them at the top of the thread, every other policy - not matter how sophisticated is - will add no value.
For example, not closing a thread for a while, will let the trolls to start a flame-war on that thread. It will be end not much better but worse.
Believe me - I was in charge of moderating m-list and forum for decades, different kind of forum (e.g. “tutti nudi” forum, translation: “all naked”) and different kind of m-list (e.g. LUG Genova, with 200+ people subscribed) - unless we promote the best contents at the top, there is no any chance that moderation will do something useful.
Believe me - no any way apart promoting at the top useful contents will add value.
After decades of moderation, I know how trolling works much more than every troll you have ever seen here or elsewhere. If or when I wish to, I am the king of trolls!