September 27-30 - Sailathon 24 in Prague

Nice to see some of the faces of our fantastic developers! As I don’t know whose face belongs to whom, but counting 14 persons on the pic, it looks like szopin has as well found its way.

It’s a pleasure to hear, you have good talks and fun with hacking together and of course that our donations enabled you two meals. Well deserved my friends and unfortunately the least we, or at least I can contribute (besides helping to translate some of your great apps).


It seems that no C2 arrived to the event. Or is everyone hiding it? :nerd_face:

No, no C2s were delivered.

Nope, it was either 650+ euro airplane ticket or multiple bus journeys and would arrive only on Saturday, would need to start my journey back on Sunday to reach home by Tuesday, maybe next year

Sorry to hear that! But next time for sure.
Anyway, I’m a little bit relieved, that it’s not only the German trains which are making trouble. :innocent:

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.


It looks like the problem was with connections through Poland and ‘possibly’ flooding issues. From Germany (Berlin-Bad Schandau-etc) it was no issue.

It was great fun and we managed to do this and than and learn this and that, but I failed to get out of my rabbit hole and fix the one bug that really bothered me. Sigh. Next week!

Thanks for all the community support, it really sweetened and already sweet deal!


I’ve summarized my thoughts in a blog post. It was a great event, and I’m happy I attended.


From the back and Left first:
@karry (thanks a lot, host with the most!) @rainemak @sebix @pherjung @nephros @vlagged @Obikawa @xmlich02

Front row:
poetaster rubdos (sorry, not sure of nick) direc85 MikeB (sorry, I don’t think there’s a nick!)


@poetaster @rubdos @direc85 and indeed not sure about the nick. :slight_smile:

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I also made a brain dump on my blog!


A big thanks to @xmlich02 and @rubdos for sharing impressions!

I wanted to add that those two propelled @pherjung to get a nearly complete rust env running and integrate with obs. It’s now up to us to help @pherjung complete the process and document how you set up rust dependencies (vendor dir ahoi!) to compile on obs … or @nephros will simply provide a cheatsheet and we’re all set :slight_smile:


Right, I should’ve added a section on OBS and Taak!! So many things happened that they didn’t fit in my head anymore.

EDIT: added it to my post :face_with_peeking_eye:


One of my favourite pics:

EDIT: @direc85 @rubdos @pherjung


One of those quiet developments at the hackathon that I’d like to mention concerns an effort started by @oroesler , namely, the sailmates having agreed to take over responsibility for it @sebix has completed the infrastructure work for it and soon we’ll a new home for it.

EDIT: it will be moving to a new domain, whereupon we’ll start a thread to alert to documentation moving to the wiki.


Yea I think I got it.

It would be useful methinks to distill what we know about rust buildingnon OBS into a macro package, similar to the python-rpm-macros package.

Then you can just BuildRequire that package, and use a simpler-looking .spec file.


You mean like cargo_packaging Building cargo / rust software on community OBS - #5 by vlagged ?

E.g. sailfish_cargo_packaging

Yes. do all the export and other definitions in one or several RPM macros, and then reduce any rust/cargo .specs to something like

BuildRequires: cargo-rpm-macros

%define vendor_tarball vendor.tar.gz



The Chum Qt5/KF5 packages use a similar approach, which I have copied for retroarch, where .spec files look like

by depending on

which has

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So, better late than never :wink: Version 1.1.9 of tooter is coming to harbour and a chum near you …