Sausage Fingers

I have large fingers and I find I often mistype on the standard on screen keyboard. It is the same on Xperia x, xa2 and 10ii. Anyone know if there a keyboard around with more space between the keys,please?

maybe you should try the ease keyboard?

I mostly use a stylus.

Perhaps alternate layouts as suggested here:

@pawel.spoon suggested: okboard

I also have the same problem and am looking at hacking it as per: Separate numeric keyboard - #3 by nephros from @nephros

Is ease working for you. There’s a report it died after 4.2: Debugging broken SailfishEase keyboard since 4.2.0

I just thought I’d try it again:

vi /usr/share/maliit/plugins/com/jolla/layouts/en.qml

This ‘minor’ mod to the english layout is ok :slight_smile:

import QtQuick 2.0
import ".."

KeyboardLayout {
    splitSupported: true

    KeyboardRow {
        ShiftKey {}

        CharacterKey { caption: "q"; captionShifted: "Q"; symView: "1"; symView2: "€" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "p"; captionShifted: "P"; symView: "0"; symView2: "]" }

        BackspaceKey {}

    KeyboardRow {
        splitIndex: 5
        CharacterKey { caption: "w"; captionShifted: "W"; symView: "2"; symView2: "£" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "e"; captionShifted: "E"; symView: "3"; symView2: "$"; accents: "èeéêë€"; accentsShifted: "ÈEÉÊË€" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "r"; captionShifted: "R"; symView: "4"; symView2: "¥" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "t"; captionShifted: "T"; symView: "5"; symView2: "₹"; accents: "tþ"; accentsShifted: "TÞ" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "y"; captionShifted: "Y"; symView: "6"; symView2: "%"; accents: "ýy¥"; accentsShifted: "ÝY¥" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "u"; captionShifted: "U"; symView: "7"; symView2: "<"; accents: "űûùuúü"; accentsShifted: "ŰÛÙUÚÜ" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "i"; captionShifted: "I"; symView: "8"; symView2: ">"; accents: "îïìií"; accentsShifted: "ÎÏÌIÍ" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "o"; captionShifted: "O"; symView: "9"; symView2: "["; accents: "őøöôòoó"; accentsShifted: "ŐØÖÔÒOÓ" }

    KeyboardRow {
        splitIndex: 5

        CharacterKey { caption: "a"; captionShifted: "A"; symView: "*"; symView2: "`"; accents: "aäàâáãå"; accentsShifted: "AÄÀÂÁÃÅ"}
        CharacterKey { caption: "s"; captionShifted: "S"; symView: "#"; symView2: "^"; accents: "sß$"; accentsShifted: "Sẞ$" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "d"; captionShifted: "D"; symView: "+"; symView2: "|"; accents: "dð"; accentsShifted: "DÐ" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "f"; captionShifted: "F"; symView: "-"; symView2: "_" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "g"; captionShifted: "G"; symView: "="; symView2: "§" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "h"; captionShifted: "H"; symView: "("; symView2: "{" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "j"; captionShifted: "J"; symView: ")"; symView2: "}" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "k"; captionShifted: "K"; symView: "!"; symView2: "¡" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "l"; captionShifted: "L"; symView: "?"; symView2: "¿" }

    KeyboardRow {
        splitIndex: 5

        CharacterKey { caption: "z"; captionShifted: "Z"; symView: "@"; symView2: "«" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "x"; captionShifted: "X"; symView: "&"; symView2: "»" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "c"; captionShifted: "C"; symView: "/"; symView2: "\""; accents: "cç"; accentsShifted: "CÇ" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "v"; captionShifted: "V"; symView: "\\"; symView2: "“" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "b"; captionShifted: "B"; symView: "'"; symView2: "”" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "n"; captionShifted: "N"; symView: ";"; symView2: "„"; accents: "nñ"; accentsShifted: "NÑ" }
        CharacterKey { caption: "m"; captionShifted: "M"; symView: ":"; symView2: "~" }


    SpacebarRow {}

EDIT, somewhat better, still :slight_smile:

1 Like

it has been fixed, it’s just it has not been released yet, i don’t know why

if you want it i can tell you how to have it…

it has not been released yet

Because of lacking of time :slight_smile:

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I loved ease keyboard (open repos), there the buttons are much larger and you choose a letter by swiping.
It required a lot of training, but I learned to type as fast, with much less mistakes.
But SFOS update to the keyboard broke it, really miss it.

Sure! Let me have it!

Do I just need to edit this file on the device, no compilation or anything complicated?


Yup. I think you need to restart lipstick (restart homescreen in the Settings/Utilities)…

I also added a 4th row to the keyboard layout, to have numbers permanently available, and would like to have also cursor keys up, down, left and right.

Is it possible to add them to keyboard layout by tweaking this file?

Also I added capital letters to the ‘accents’ of all small letters, so I don’t have to use shift key so often, and copied some symbols from symbol2 to symbol1.

Here’s an idea:

Would it be possible to have a virtual clit mouse TrackPoint^TM kind of widget to move the cursor? E.g. on the right upper vkb corner, opposite the paste icon, have a small button that when long pressed and slightly swiped in one direction, moves the cursor in that direction, just like the little red dots on ThinkPad keyboards move the mouse. (Or like the wobbly d-buttons on Nintendo handhelds)

That would save space on the kbd proper for real keys, and still have “arrow navigation” available.


You can check out the “improved” keyboard layouts from my app Multi Keyboard Layouts: Multi Keyboard Layouts | — Community Repository System

Its main features:

  • Number row
  • Wider space button
  • Emojis on 2nd/3rd pages
  • Arrow keys (right/left) on 2nd/3rd pages
  • Popup symbols on the layout