`Sailfish.Pickers` file pickers are abysmally slow

By any chance, does tracker3 status complain about errors? Several years ago I had some enormous performance issues on my computer and it turned out to be because tracker choked on a couple of files that were apparently broken in some unexpected way. I deleted those files and the problem was fixed. These days, tracker supposedly doesn’t have that problem anymore, but I believe Sailfish is still using the older version of tracker that doesn’t know what to do with the broken files.

On my device, with about 12,000 pictures according to Gallery, the file picker for pictures takes about 10 seconds to load the list, and then the image previews still need to load in, but at least you can already start scrolling. No issues according to tracker, just a couple of files that don’t have any metadata.


tracker3 status reports:

[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ LC_ALL=en tracker3 status
Currently indexed: 44705 files, 1668 folders
Remaining space on database partition: 6.0?GB (31.31%)
All data miners are idle, indexing complete
40 recorded failures

Problems are reported for jpg, png, pdf, ogg, and mid files. Most issues are Could not get any metadata for uri:... but two stand out (for two pdf files):

Couldn't open PopplerDocument:PDF document is damaged
Crash/hang handling file

The file with the “crash” message has <U+FEFF> in its filename, says tracker’s output. Tracker also seems to have issues with ut8 characters. It shows í (i+´) as ?.

The gallery app shows 1647 videos and about 32’000 pictures. It takes ~10-30s to start (sometimes it fails to start) and then another ~60-90s until the “pictures” spinner stops and the icon becomes clickable.