Sailfish Community News, 2nd November, QMF

Thank you very much @olf for Filecase!! :star_struck:


Slightly offtopic … but @dcaliste do you know what’s missing for displaying meta information like “replied”, “forwarded” etc (?) and maybe if it would even be reachable to set those “flags” when replying from sailfish mail?

Good question. Quick answer: I’ve no idea. Longer answer after looking into the variaous repositories implied in the process:

  • QMF has flags for these status (Replied, RepliedAll and Forwarded), see QMailMessageMetaData class in src/libraries/qmfclient/qmailmessage.h,
  • nemo-qml-plugin-email has no such abstractions, for instance it’s missing from EmailMessageListModel class which is used to display email lists such as the Inbox for instance. Grepping for Replied gives no result so far.
  • jolla-email, I didn’t look at it closer, but since the QML layer is not exposing it, I don’t think there is anything about these flags.

So it first looks like, it’s just a matter of adding some roles in the message list model, attributes in the message class and add UI feedback based on these roles and attributes. But grepping for Replied in QMF code gives few results. It seems that only the IMAP plugin is setting this flag. Which makes sense : only the IMAP protocol is able to tell a client that some email has been replied elsewhere.

To conclude, two things are missing in my opinion:

  1. a way to expose the Replied, RepliedAll and Forwarded status to QML and in the UI,
  2. a way to set these flags from QML when replying or forwarding from within the email application.

So nothing very complicated, at first glance, but not done yet !


Sounds doable indeed! Thanks a lot for the overview, I’ll try my luck soonish!


Speaking of email - let me grab this opportunity to ping @dcaliste, maybe also @rainemak, to ask for the option to have multiple email identities for the same account:

Also mentioned earlier:


Yes, and please also add multiple real names to the From addresses!


While we are at it, displaying is one thing. And setting another. Not setting the “forwarded” flag is a showstopper here.

Hey thanks for the shout-outs, that’s very much appreciated. :slight_smile: I’m not sure whether 1.73.1 will be done soon, since 1.72 is already that recent! We’re still waiting for some response from Jolla on how to get a hold of the cross-aarch64-glibc* packages.

Also many thanks go to @direc85 for providing me with a remote Ryzen 5xxx machine to build those things on, because my Threadripper has been notoriously unstable the past year :frowning:


See FileCase issue #15: It is all @flypig’s fault. :wink:
More seriously: IIRC, in spring 2022 he transferred the formerly hardcoded user home directory to a variable, which is read from FileCase’s configuration file, and altered the homedir from /home/nemo to /home/defaultuser, because that suits most people better, nowadays. By this measure, one can easily set the homedir (called “Phone Memory” path in the GUI) in a single location, the aforementioned config file: This was a big step forward!

What is missing, is a GUI dialogue to switch the homedir. PRs are welcome!

How to alter the default homedir manually, which can be carried out with FileCase, is also described in detail in FileCase issue #15.

P.S.: @rainemak, thank you very much for featuring FileCase. NB: Well, trivially bailing out of SailJail is not really what I would call “a proper SailJail configuration”; PRs for a really proper SailJail configuration are very welcome. The same applies to fixing FileCase issue #4 (updating FileCase to use the current DropBox API) and checking plus documenting in a GitHub issue if the other web-storage options still work well: Box, Google Drive, OneDrive, WebDAV (used by e.g. OwnCloud / NextCloud)

P.S. / edit (2023-11-05): @simonschmeisser provided an easy to use and likely better, automatic solution by FileCase PR #14. Thanks!


BTW, if someone wants FlowPlayer, the other well respected app form Matias Perez (CepiPerez) to be resurrected, I prepared all infrastructure aspects, but hesitated to address the required migration from gstreamer / libgst to gstreamer1.0 / libgst1.0 due to lack of time.

Besides source code improvements, translation updates for both, FileCase and FlowPlayer are very welcome, too!

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I was thinking of doing that, but can’t seem to get access to your FileCase transifex. Following your link gets me an out logged info page and from there, nothing seem to work.

@eson, all is fine: You requested a translators role for FileCase, which I approved now, and also I sent you an invitation for FlowPlayer. For me Transifex’s role handling seems to work as always.

I never realised which domain you are using:, cool!


Yes, now I’m in, thanks. The transifex confirmation dialog at the translators side is terrible/non-existent. I never got to know if I’ve even sent my request.
I’ve actively used that domain since 2011. :wink:


I also use TX for almost that long. Relatively good experience. Did you recheck your settings for sending emails?

Yes, I do get emails when something finally happens.

I was implying that there are many checkboxes to choose what kinds of notification emails will you get.

Yes, I’ve checked them all.
It’s not an email issue, it’s the lack of confirmation when requesting the translators role, and that you seem not to be logged in when sending the request.
I am always logged in to Transifex but when following links like olf’s I get an out logged page, so what do you do? You try to log in of course. What happens then, is that you get thrown in on the last translation you worked on.
As I said, the transifex dialogue is terrible. In fact, it has gotten worse since MS took over IMHO.

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Oh, MS ownership is new to me. In the past they fixed reported bugs. With API v2/v3 change I emailed a lot with their software engineer. He was very helpful and open.

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I’m not so sure they actually own transifex, but they are heavily involved.

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