Sailfish Community News, 23rd May 2024 - Jolla Day 2 recap

Give them a shot because they are also fun and there is also some serious work done there.
We will be here again when you need an actual daily driver :slight_smile:
Other than that, I will not be listing and considering android custom roms as sailfish alternatives.


@Kanthal To write them off and consider SFOS as much better is delusional. SFOS needs a lot of work on more or less basic stuff. A spiteful response like yours really is out of place.

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My response is based solely in my experience.
I use almost every OS in existence (dead or alive) and from all the alternatives there’s nothing that comes close to sailfish experience as a daily smartphone.
Have you tried a community port for example? Many of them don’t share known Xperia issues.

No need for Sony if SFOS is not in the picture. With the requirement for a Sony phone out of the window, a Fairphone would be my first choice. Fairphone seems quite well supported by 3rd party ROMs. And since something like IodĂ© would have an Android base, but with the google tracking torn out, it would meet my needs in terms of privacy. So far I haven’t seen a lot of problems being reported on that combo, and it has support as well. GrapheneOS on a Pixel would also be a contender. And even though the up front cost of the FP+IodĂ© combo is higher, I expect that I can make it work for long enough to make the TCO lower than SFOS + Sony.

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Q: Is the Jolla Community Phone a modified version of the Reeder S19 Max Pro S or a unmodified version?

Q: If it’s a modified version what are key differences?

Q: Does the device support two nano sims and a msd card or is the second sim slot shared with the msd card?

I hope it’s the former as it would make for perfect travel phone without having to faff around removing a msd card / sim etc.

Q: Any plans to offer the C2 with a perpetual license with an increased cost or perpetual license option as one of payment at a higher cost?

I don’t think anyone here expected Jolla to lose any sleep or intended to “make noise”. It was just to voice concerns (isn’t that what a support forum is for?) that Jolla would hopefully hear and consider. And they did.

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As for Xperia 10 IV and V support, will XQ-CC72 and XQ-DC72 be supported or only listed XQ-CC54 and XQ-DC54?


@rainemak OK, so have you already decided and could you please disclose the pricing of such perpetual licence for the 10 V?

As well as the yearly one:

Thank you very much for any information you may share.

I have to admit i was very excited for and during jolla love day 2. I felt even more excited than when Steve jobs held the first few ipod presentations.

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Who is Steve Jobs???


Oh, Google told me:

some marketing guy from an American Fruit company

I thought someone of relevance to my perspective on the tech world, but no 


You misspelled DuckDuckGo :wink:


@rainemak can you please confirm whether the 8gb variant of the 10 V will be supported or not? Just so we can make an informed decision

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Someone in the forum wrote that the supported network bands are the same as for the 6Gb version, so i assume and hope yes, because i bought one.

Same, I really doubt the driver for ram is limited at 6gb, but if it turns out it’s not working oh well (the 8gb variant also supports some japanese lte bands, so it’s not only 2gb extra, bit of a gamble)

According to information that we have received from Sony, 72 variants (XQ-CC72 and XQ-DC72) of Xperia 10 IV and 10 V should work with the same images as the 54 variants. I think we would need to find a community tester for these 72 variants (once free version available).


This may sound like a daft question, but if Jolla is likely to officially support (or even wants to evaluate support feasibility) for the 72 variants, then shouldn’t you at least purchase said phone yourselves to act as a test bed and/or reference product? Relying on community testers to do thorough testing (regression testing included) for a potentially officially supported product sounds a bit risky to me.

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@rainemak Has the perpetual licence price and the yearly licence price for the new Xperia models been decided upon yet?

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It isn’t officially supported is it? What he is saying is that it might work, but you need to find out yourself. At least that is how I read it.

I suppose SFOS is able to automatically identify the proper version in order to detect both physical sims in the 72 variants rather than eism in 54?