Sailfish Community News, 22nd February 2024 - 4.6.0 Update

Thanks for this advice, but this will only give me kernel versions for devices I own.


Jolla Tablet is also using appsupport 4


Let me explain to you with another of my apps, picoplayer that has microtube’s custom built player. No other qt multimedia based player ever came close to microtube or picoplayer and they never will. The microtube’s player is purely based on gstreamer with just the output to the qml completely bypassing the qt apis and that allows microtube for the first-ever >720p playback because of the DASH, because jolla doesn’t want to enable MPEG-DASH in gstreamer so you can’t use the qtmultimedia api and only the microtube/picoplayer can play subtitles and only picoplayer can switch video, audio and subtitle sources purely because they don’t user qt api. Qt multimedia is insanely limiting and only by not using them you can achieve something powerful like microtube/picoplayer and nobody does it because nobody wants to spend time on gstreamer headache. 180°/360° videos came up as a consequence of gstreamer based player because it uses opengl for rendering, where there’s simple shader that displays the video (maps texture to output). So I thought, since the video is the texture, with a simple half/full sphere shader and some variables to control the rotation you can very simply make the 180/360° videos, so i just paid some guy on fiverr (info about him in about page) to make those shaders and voila.

landscape mode*

somehow i really doubt that. Other than Leszek’s which he doesn’t maintain anymore I think I have complete and absolute monopoly

Bruh Leszek left sfos in the dust as a protest of jolla refusing to update qt. No there won’t be any updates, at least respect his protest. The audacity…


For the client ID creation of the OAuth2, is your SFOS app a “web application” or a “TV application”? Because it probably can’t be an Android, IOS or Windows application.

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this is very inappropriate place to ask this question but its desktop


Many thanks for spreading the news of my attempt to revive CepiPerez’s apps to a greater audience, FileCase in the Community News on 2. November 2023 and FlowPlayer here.

The statement “now with the infrastructure support and maintenance handled by olf” expresses my efforts well, though 100% precisely it should read:
… with the support infrastructure overhauled and maintenance coordinated by olf.
I.e. I merely coordinate the maintenance of FlowPlayer and FileCase, most of the maintenance work of both fully depends on others, thus contributions are absolutely required.

There are many ways you can contribute, proper testing and bug reporting is very helpful, translating strings also, other tasks require C++ or QML coding skills (which I mostly lack), and FlowPlayer’s README is far from being complete. I only maintain the support infrastructure and perform the release management.

So, if you are using FlowPlayer and / or FileCase, please help to keep them alive!

Kudos to @dcaliste, @smokku and @flypig for their adept coding work, plus them and @eson, @branja6, @tuplasuhveli for their well done bug reporting.

BTW, FlowPlayer and FileCase lack translators, only @eson (SE) has contributed so far AFAIR.

P.S.: FlowPlayer is also available from SailfishOS:Chum, though I did not dare to promote it from the testing repository to the main repo yet, but will do that with the next release.
Edit: v0.3.3 is uploaded to SailfishOS:Chum’s main repository.


Could these devices be then open-sourced fully?
it would seem fair to have the community pick up the child fruits abandoned by jolla.
And it would fall also under the open source initiative…


Yay for gapless playback on Sailfish OS! Nothing is as horrifying as the little gap between Parabol and Parabola on Lateralus, or the break of flow between the outro of The Art of Dying, and Mario’s brutal intro for Esoteric Surgery. Just submitted a PR for Opus support :heart:


So Xperia X and the older ones are dropped, correct?


From what I’ve asked it’s not really 4.4, it’s more like 3.15 where single backported patch can bring up other kernels so even my 3.4 will most likely still work, and it’s not certain yet either

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Device support is already fully open source, except for Alien Dalvik (in the case of said devices) which is not owned by Jolla.

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I think you are German, just like me, so I don’t know if it is sensible to offer my help with translations?

Thanks for your reply! Even Silica?

No, I was only referring to parts of code required for device adaptation.

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Please post a feature request, many of us miss such a button.


Though dropping support for the Xperia X is understandable (the device as much as I like it is 8 years old by now and as much as I liked it in my older rants it is old), the excuse (old kernel version) is really not a valid one since Sony has released newer kernels for it (and also the newer devices), Jolla has over the years not updated the kernels on devices for whatever reason a policy that is a direct contradiction to the claim to security focus.

(Xperia X has at least kernel 4.14 available to it)


Ok, my Xperia 10 V has just arrived. Now I’m curious when there will be a SF release I can flash and how I have to pay for it or its updates or if I have to pay still only for Android on SF…

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Mine is arriving today and I’m as curious as you or anyone.
An educated guess is that we will know when SFOS 4.6 lands. :wink:


I’m sure it will be soon :wink:


Thank you for this edition of the Community News. It’s good to have you back, @rainemak and Jollyboys!

I already waved goodbye to the aging AppSupport on my Xperia X. It gradually became less and less useful, and I won’t miss it much when it’s officially removed.

My device is still working well, so it’s a bit sad it soon will see its last software update. But it’s had a good run (six years now) and I can see the reasons why it’s being dropped from the program. “So long, and thanks for all the (sail)fish”, I guess.