Sailfish Community News, 22nd April, Xperia 10 II, QMF

Thanks @Ras72 for this. There’s nothing more motivational than positive feedback, and we’re really glad you’re enjoying the newsletter. I have to agree that it’s great to have contributions like @dcaliste’s, and I’m especially glad to hear it was of interest to you as a non-programmer (we want to include technical topics, but not for programmers specifically).


These are all great suggestions, thank you @attah. I can’t promise that we’ll be able to do them all, but I can promise that I’ll follow them all up and try to get them included.


This piece of news confuses me about the current architecture of SFOS. Since you claim Xperia 10 II is going to be the first one with a 64-bit SFOS, this implies the current one is 32-bit. Which is very strange because both lscpu and uname -m report aarch64, a supposedly 64-bit architecture. So may I please have a detailed explanation about which one Sailfish uses at present and why this discrepancy?

you are seeing the kernel, but not the software. Try file /bin/bash
Reason? Historical precedence.

Yeah, user space is 32 bit, if you run getconf WORD_BIT in Terminal, you’ll get ‘32’

Thank you, @carmenfdezb, I do get this. So it’s 32-bit after all.
@deloptes this has been resolved (not to my liking, though, as an application I need only works on 64-bit) but just out of curiosity: how was file /bin/bash supposed to help me? All it produced was /bin/bash: symbolic link to ../usr/bin/busybox.

This might work a bit better: file -L /bin/bash

I don’t think WORD_BIT is the right value to query. Is returns 32 on all my 64bit systems. LONG_BIT is a better parameter, althought this still returns ‘32’ on my Raspberry Pi with aarch64 enabled (arm_64bit=1 in /boot/config.txt).

It does: ELF 32-bit LSB pie executable. This settles it regarldess of WORD_BIT, LONG_BIT and others. Thank you. Bad news for me, after all.

why bad news? you’ve been using it until now thinking it is 64 bit and what is the difference now?
Good news is Jolla is moving to 64bit

the output is exactly the same

     -L, --dereference
             option causes symlinks to be followed, as the like-named option in ls(1) (on systems that support symbolic links).  This is the default if the environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT is defined.

I wanted to try building the ProtonMail bridge, but it only works on Linux in 64-bit.

All of this leads me to another thought: I should be able to upgrade my Xperia 10 (I) to the new 64-bit version of SFOS if I want to, correct? The hardware does support 64-bit.

I don’t know if there will be aarch64 release for older phones. The rumors are about the Xperia 10 II