Who did the software should take care of documenting and maintaining it because the same time that I spend to understand, documenting and fixing others people code, I can deliver a better solution or simply switch to a better product. Which most probably is what many did before me.
First of all, I wish to engage this
We always play roles: we are the father/mother, the friend, the boy/girlfriend, the son/daughter, the manager or the employee. Our lives are about the roles but this roles are something like a jail - a box in which society force to stay in. It is wonderful that a community of free people do not feel the need to fit in a box-schema.
When we approach a situation or a product or a software, we can play many roles: nerd hacker, cyber-security expert, marketing & sales, business owner, product manager, project manager, end-user, advanced user, social engineer, social manager, troll, etc.
This two way of playing roles are completely different.
The first way is about constrains and expectations that OTHERS put over us and we need to conform to them in a way or another. The second way is to put ourselves in the shoes of someone else, someone different from us without being or became someone else. Like playing Dungeon and Dragons, never made anyone being or became an elf or a wizard. However to play that roles, we need to know in deep what’s about that role (set of values) and it is not.
A bit of philosophy - Aristotle wrote, “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Being able to look at & evaluate different values without necessarily adopting them is perhaps the central skill required in changing one’s own life in a meaningful way. (Source: Aristotele cited and commented on Twitter)
Few people can play multiples roles at the same time because few people are acknowledged about that roles enough to play that roles. In fact, companies usually tend to create multi-cultural heterogeneous teams because the complexity of the modern-world products cannot be faced just by 1-single PoV approach or by segmenting the design-to-delivery among separated in-line departments.
This is the reason because community-based products are usually the winner on the long terms because in the Bazaar there is many PoV. Unfortunately, this is not always true. Some company teams are better than some community-bazaars and viceversa.
end of philosophy
Now, it is my time to explain the quick answer I wrote here before going to take care of my real life and then returning back.
Settings:System → Patchmanger:Settings → Activate enabled Patches when booting
Why activating at boot time instead of made them permanent with that option?
This question is extremely relevant - not only for the consequences that brings in terms of constrains - but also because it is a design choice. This design choice should be explained in details into the documentation otherwise this software have to be re-design from scratch.
No, I cannot make a pull request to fix this because this is an information that WHO designed the software should explain. It could be a very good reason/decision or it was a good reason/decision at that time, e.g. SFOS 2.x but not anymore.
This is the reason because this design choices should be documented, they aging and they are still impacting despite aging. The temporary workaroud became the product and the product became the legacy. We need to stop this before even it begins, documenting it.
What this has to do with roles? Unless someone plays the product and project manager role in the community those PoVs are missing and in fact - AFAIK - the part of the documentation which refers to this design choice is missing.
end of theory
We evaluate a change betwee “activate at boot time” and “keep persistent”.
We can do a confrontation:
- persistence is easier because we “patch & forget”
- forgetting is not a good practice therefore checking
- checking but when?
- every time
Patch Manager
page is shown
- how we can implement this check?
pach -Rp0 --dry-run
can fail or not
- is it quick enough?
- yes → done
Here we are, we can have a Persistent Patch Manager
with a little of changes. Now, it is your time to play roles or simply express yourself. What good can provide persistence and what problems can cause?
end of doing better
Why I am pedanticly collecting this suggestions in the Quick Start Guide. Because one day someone will arrive and with social engineering that will please you, will convince you to do these things or equivalent ones. In the lucky scenario otherwise not. However, the main way is the hard way: community-bazaar should learn how to play roles.