Neither my C2 nor my Sony Xperia 10V (Android 14) is showing an update option. (Language: Hungarian, Region: Germany—I’m not sure if that matters.)
Thank you for detailed description, but unfortunaly it does not work for me
@jovirkku: Do you have another tip to get the Mobile internet in AppSupport working?
uhh, sms working stable? That’s promising. My family members almost kicked me out, also due to text prediction is not there with .43. To recover SMS, I was occasionally forced to shutdown, remove SIM, reboot, shutdown, insert SIM again, start again the C2. Sometimes only restart did the trick. I typically never use WLAN/WiFi, however tried once because of ÖFFI app & the know restrictions of .43, from where I then had really bad experience with internet connectivity, once WLAN was off. Also with .43 the mobile network behave occasionally strange. Indicated as connected. however Apps (e.g. browser, telegram) indicate internet not reachable. found a ping to a public server e.g. can help to re-establish connection again. Just not always, then need to switch off mobile network , reboot, switch mobile network on again. If the mobile network is not turned off prio reboot it will not recover mobile network. Anyway, aren’t we in a kind of early stage? So - I’m looking forward for more experience with the next general ava. version. Staying with patience. Possibly I then can share my future observations from my C2 jolla armada in a structured way. Cheers…
Yes, I somehow overlooked this. Thank you!
Note that i can understand the frustration. Missing text prediction and sms causing ofono crash were terrible issues. The kind of ones which makes sms pretty unreliable / unusable.
I’m using were, because i hope they’re fixed now . Will give it a try, update in progress.
Hello, updated right now with Settings GUI on my Xperia 10 III . Update runs fine and fast, no errors.
Interesting, I never had these Issues with Android 14 on 10 V. Everything was rock solid before and after rooting the device.
On my 10 V device the screen is so dim under Sailfish that I cannot use it outdoors. This problem is neither with 10 iii and Sailfish, nor the same 10 V under Android (Stock OS, rooted and also not in AOSP), only the combination of my 10 V with SailfishOS renders the device in a state with a dim screen that can NOT be used outdoors (even BlackBerry Q10 from 2012 is better, wtf)…
Since I appear to be the only one to have this problem, I was speculating that maybe different subconfigurations are on the market, subconfigurations with minor differences in hardware that do not affect the usual specification sheets, but might explain my dim screen that nobody else sees and your lock screen problems and networking mobile or WLAN.
Never had any network connection problems under Android 14 on the 10 V, neither WLAN, nor mobile, neither stock Android, nor rooted, nor AOSP.
But, it is just a speculation…
Mayve continue potential discussion in the Xperia 10 V thread?
Sony Xperia 10 III update without problems. Deutsche Bank App not working anymore. …
Whisperfish breaking at starting the app.
Is there somewhere a guide how to install microG?
Updating my 10III made me to remove completely android hard way, as it did not start at all after upgrading to
I installed play services using this guide for 4.6.xx and it worked very well on my 10III Google Play Services installation to Sailfish X · GitHub
Updated my Pine64 PinePhone Pro (Community Edition) to
- Update went smoothly.
- Newer version of multimedia stack fixes playing videos in Tooter Beta.
- Newer Browser works and fixes multiple websites.
I have now flashed, updated and furnished my C2. But I still have no mobile internet on Android. The settings of Android say there would be no Sim card
I also updated my Xperia 10 III and my Jolla C2 to
SMS sending from C2 works now in o2 - de Network.
Need also to test on Xperia 10 III…
Updated C2 without any issues.
Android Apps that complained about missing Google Play services on don’t complain anymore and are working on (MicroG 3.6)
Still echo problem in Xperia 10 III after update.
Wow even Uber now works with microg, with map displaying and all, great stuff
Interesting, I do not have this issue since I flashed base Android before SFOS flash as as suggested by @wetab73
Release was a stop release (read here). This means a device must be updated to before proceeding to 5.0.0.
The GUI should be used for updates as it “knows” the next mandatory release. In your case, the phone had The GUI should have proposed - it wouldn’t let it go directly to 5.0.0. But there was something wrong with your phone.
If the command line has to be used for updates then you have to ensure that all stop releases are installed. No shortcuts to the latest release!
# starting from
ssu re
version --dup
ssu re
version --dup
Would it be still save to expand the root partition of C2 after the update to I am a bit afraid to update since I didn’t have time to backup and expand root +enable fastboot flashing.