How about Wire video call?
It seems have a bug with synced avatars in Contacts app.
My contacts are syncing with my Nextcloud instance, avatars are in the NC contacts, but not in the contacts app (there were in 4.6)…
You should file bugs separately under the Bug Reports category, otherwise this might just get buried.
Is there anyone here with a C2 ( who can’t play audio files in an Android app? I tried it with Deezer, Republik, Perspective Daily and LMd (Le Monde diplomatique). All give me errors during audio playback.
I think when it’s the Early Access version we’re talking about, it’s not a bad idea to mention here if the phone does something weird, because it helps gouge whether the issue is more widespread among different devices and also someone may have better insight to the issue, which helps the eventual bug report, if needed, to be more precise and helpful.
I think you’re hitting this bug:
Is reflashing by the user possible already (To get the enlarged root-partition), or only by Jolla (either by sending it to Finland or travel some other hundreds of kilometers to a “Community Collaboration and Meetup”)?
Because of the mobile connectivity problem of the App layer, I havent switched from my XA2 Plus to the C2, so I 'd prefer to do the reflasing with once it is realeased to all, because there is no User data to be lost on my new device yet.
Yes. You can search for that here.
Via my account in the Jolla shop, I cannot find a SFOS 5 image for the C2 that I need, only SFOS 4.6 images for various Xperia models.
- So where can I find the (latest) SFOS 5 image for the C2?
- Where can I find info on reflashing the C2, or is that just the same procedure with the same tools as for the Xperia devices?
Fdroid isn’t working with wifi or mobile data. It says no internet. Xperia 10 lll.
Not the latest but some instructions and the image: Fastboot flashing of Jolla C2
It is then just a matter of updating to latest after flashing.
No issue for me on Xperia 10 III with FDroid
Something has been changed in the “Volume” and “Ring Volume” settings for Android apps. Previously when for example an Android browser was open, the physical volume buttons on my 10 II would adjust Volume instead of Ring Volume, but now on Tampella, the physical volume button adjust Ring Volume by default and Volume only when an audio/a video is actually playing ie. sound is happening.
On Sailfish apps, like Sailfish Browser, the physical volume buttons adjust Volume, like they have done previously.
Crash of voicecall-manager that make calling impossible has been caused by “Personal Ring Tones”.
I have uninstalled it (devel-su zypper rm personalringtones
), and calling is working again.
I see that the most reported problems are for O2 germany.
I’ve done some test with sending and receiving SMS.
Both work if the phone settings for mobile data have 2G selected during boot.
Otherwise (4G and 5G) sending and receiving didn’t work.
- Sending SMS when setting is ‘4G/5G preferred’ reports an error.
Setting the value to 2G and restart sending is suffice to send the SMS. - Receiving SMS only works when the value was set to 2G at boot.
Setting value to ‘4G/5G preferred’ stops working and could only be solved with setting the value back to 2G and rebooting the device.
I tested it on a FP4 with version and the SailfishOS port from @mal. So it seems that the problem came with the switch to the (my new) ‘5G SIM’ from O2 germany which i received last week.
The older (4G?) SIM i head from 1&1 works without a problem - i think 1&1 changed the vendor of the SIM cards to switch to 5G.
Did not know what changes the new SIM forces on the phone …
you can change that with the mce tool
It’s no biggy for me as such, I can always use the digital sliders on the Top Menu. I half mentioned it only because someone above was having problem with getting sound out from the player apps, just in case the issues might be connected.
Now MicroG works quite well and I could install Teams and its dependency on MS Intune without any problem!
Really easy! Cool! No hack needed!
Btw: Have you experience with banking apps on C2? Are they working without fingerprint sensor?
It really depends on the banking apps themselves.