[Release notes] Tampella for Jolla C2

I wish we had this release in October already.

No. We try first without it as it may be too complicated.


Thank you for the update! VoLTE works for me (yeees!)


The update worked flawlessly.
Will there be a way to get the bigger system partition without reflashing?

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Thanks for this (early christmas) present! VoLTE works here also.


Updated without issues and VoLTE is working :slight_smile:

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I am not keeping my hopes high that [][][][][] No notification sounds (ringing, SMS, alarm) - #84 by nephros is resolved. There are some crashes fixed in ngfd, but crashes would trigger a service restart. The bug of disappearing notification sounds is more probably some gstreamer handling locking up…

At first try the update says “it cant be installed” after reboot and security-code.
Now, when I try to start the update again, it prepares a while the update. At the point I can say “download the update” it “searches for connection”. After a few minutes nothing has happened. And so the update itself should be downloaded from the first try and I think the dialogue should recognize it?

VoLTE is working, but it is not possible to send a text messages

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I don’t understand this. What WLAN adapter?

I wouldnt be angry if 5.0 would be released to X10III some day after this :kissing_heart:


I also would love a release for the 10 V, the battery of my 10 II is getting worse every day. :neutral_face:

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Will the re-flashing automatically perform the famous partition resizing?


I noticed that “Flare” still seems untranslated. Was Slovenian updated also? It was at 100% on time for 5.0 and again soon (IIRC the 21st of October from l10n platform sounds about right) after some small update with a few new strings.

Updated without issues :slight_smile:

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Update works without problems, the only letdown is, that android apps still can’t use mobile data. I need this for the “Detusche Bahn” app for public transport tickets.
Has anyone a workaround for specific android apps, maybe?

Here also no problem with the Update and the same reason for not using the C2 as daily.
I would state, that fixing this issue alone to be reason enough for an additional cristmas update release. With VoLTE resolved, this is the main pain point for most users now IMHO.

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I changed the line to this:

Instead of the confusing error message “ Networking is unavailable. Please reboot”, the message “ WLAN adapter not available ” is shown when the connection manager is broken or the device does not have functional WiFi technology.


Thank you for update!

No problems found yet.

Browser feels faster too.

Have to try VoLTE later though.

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The problem with android apps is that they for some reason cannot resolve DNS names through mobile data but does on Wlan. I got some apps to work on mobile by just checking with tcpdump what DNS request it does on WLAN and then writing a static hosts file with those names/addresses. For now I got maps and banking apps to work but failed with spotify which seems to be a litttle messy and connects to more than 20 hosts.

I have described the procedure here. You can try if it works for you. No mobile internet with Android apps - #38 by archon


Yes, I remembered this post and checked this with tcpdump - Deutsche Bahn DE is also very messy and this is the only app I really need at the moment.

Thank you anyway!