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“Together with the Jolla community, we are going to develop and take Sailfish OS into the AI era. The new company has already agreed on more than EUR 10 million in funding for the implementation of the new strategy,” continues Saarnio.
Ok, but the lack of evidence I wrote about it was about willingness of having a business plan and someone that provide funds to cover it. The bold verbs in the translation might lead us thinking that everything is done but in a business announcement, that words sound a little different.
We wish to go with AI - but Jolla Oy has no any experience about that technology - together with who? The community? We know that the SailFish OS community is just a fan-club. Even if someone that was here developed something - it is light years far from the AI technology.
The second part is about “already agreed”. I have no doubts that they have already agreed to receive money but this does not mean that who spoke about money is going to give such money. In other words: who is receiving a promise of €10 million is going to agree about many things…
If they had received the money, the terms would be had different. What they did - probably - it is about buying some assets that they consider valuable key-assets into others company. I do not know their automotive business but the most valuable asset, I would guess it is the customers portfolio. About SFOS, I would guess that it is the Alien Dalvik technology/licensing and the UI source code.
Are Alien Dalvik technology and UI source code absolutely valuable? Nope. There are alternatives about running Android apps on GNU/Linux system and Alien Dalvik is not in the top of the list nor it has the chance to reach it even after a reasonable kind of development plus the SFOS app framework is broken by design and cannot scale up in any way. The UI source code even lesser because open-source alternatives exists.
Hence, Alien Dalvik and UI source code is just assets valuable to being able to claim that SailFish OS is something central in that strategy “bringing AI into smartphone market”.
Google? Microsoft? Apple? Amazon? Are they sleeping on that topic? I do not think so.
So, what is that “unicum” that can attract €10 million here for entering in a market already populated by giants? Something innovative? But innovation is not about SFOS, is about having a peculiar vision of that market and the tech skills to transform the vision in a plan, a plan in actions, actions in long-term sustainable projects, and marketing.
Again, nothing we have seen in Jolla or SFOS in the last decade. Or, we might have seen it, in this forum, recently
but, in that schema of actions, the SFOS is not central but a gym. Moreover, it is a corner case among various options, not even the top but just the first. We start hard to prove we can wrestle the hard as well but not necessarily we wish go into an extremely competitive market with such a choice.
Well, this is just show or noise - depending the PoV.
By my side, in these months I have contacted two global companies one deeply involved in AI but with a different technology and another one deeply involved in Android-like smartphones market. One has the technology to train AIs the other one has the technology to run that AIs on smartphones.
The high-level management of one company professionally know me. In the other company, they did not but an executive business presentation introduced by less than 200 words, rarely get un-noticed. The reason behind this is a kind of magic. Something like a priest receiving a letter in Latin, 100 years ago. He might not be acting upon it, but he read it because it is written in Latin.
To have a glimpse about “energy form community” means, just take a look at this post:
and in particular the repository roundup section. Among the contributions there are also a README
text file translated into markdown format and its content updated. A change overlooked since Sept. 25th, 2013.
Then being back to “Together with the Jolla community […] take Sailfish OS into the AI era” claim.
I am NOT proud of being listed in such repository roundup section but insulted: a suggestion about converting and updating a README file can be considered a contribution? Com’on!