Re-organisation of Jolla company

Ok…let’s start port nemo on auto hehehe

Hey, where are you hanging out? :wink:

That’s quite well-behaved:


Yes, let’s skip that silly word.

Take it easy, be happy and gay!

edit: For he’s a jolly good fellow, for he’s a jolly good fellow,
for he’s a jolly good fe-e-low, and so say all of us.
And so say all of us, and so say all of us.


The famous ios sailfish device? :laughing:

So to recap;
jolla now owns one business (seafarix);
and another one has been created (jollyboys)?
Who owns jollyboys?

I understood that jolly boys is personal property of the people from the jolla oy management

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Firstly, fantastic news, much better than expected.

“we held tough negotiations with the owners from spring 2022 to spring 2023, which ended without success.”

This means Rostelcom, right?

So nobody said a word against them and nobody knew a management buyout was on the cards. Is Sami Pienimäki part of the management buyout or being retained?


The “Jolly” word can have three main meanings:

  • Joker (the card)
  • Joyful (the clown)
  • Jolly char (usually the * but also ? or . depending the re-expression language)

Those send me here, knew me with the temporary nickname of Joker.

Edit: s/surname/nickname/

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Jolly has such a lot of meanings, so let it be, it sounds nice. And in Austria Jolly is also another word for Joker (playing cards), wildcard. This is the best card, it replaces every card!


Jolly Boys is very unlike.

Say what you want; 10M investment is not a small thing for a Joker.

I strongly doubt that it is for JollyBoys but for SeaFarix and as far as I read SeaFarix is not about SFOS.


However, I might have missed something. But, I did not found no any evidence of 10M and moreover 10M of what? Apple, pears, lemons?

Well, you do have to be careful of your company/product names if you are trading in an international market. Especially if a name which is perfectly fine in one culture is offensive or inappropriate in another. In the 1980’s, Vauxhall (then part of GM along with Opel) released a new small car called the Vauxhall Nova. In the UK this was fine, as nova meant ‘new’. Unfortunately in Spain the car was a disaster as ‘No Va’ means ‘doesn’t go’ in Spanish - not an ideal name for a car. It had to be changed to be the Vauxhall/Opel Corsa instead - and quickly! The same might well be true of this new company name. To a lot of people in the UK, is more likely to be assumed as a gay dating website than that of a mobile phone OS provider. Lets hope they trade under a different name.


Apparently Jolla Oy was already taken. However, should it get dissolved after debts are settled, it might be freed.

My 2p as an English native, marketeer and author. Jolly Boys is bad for all the reasons stated. It’s also linked to the Proud Boys. It’s not terrible though and Jolla was pretty poor for an international market.

I dare say the community could come up with a better name, for free.

Presumably they will continue doing business as “Jolla” - does it then really matter what the company is called?


When the name is the face of the company, then yes it does matter - especially when you’re looking to raise capital or attract investors, or target a wide multi-cultural market. Much better to have chosen something completely bland and innocuous (e.g. ‘Alphabet’ … Oh no, wait, that’s already taken, erm … ‘Numerical’) as the company name and then trade to the public using ‘Sailfish’).

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I suspect ‘Jolla’ is probably trademarked, and that that trademark is owned by Jolla Oy. In this case they won’t be able to use it - that is unless its part of the asset transfer agreed by the courts.


Which is what it looks like on