Please Help me / forgotten pin code

lol, what are you on about? calm down friend, i’m not criticizing you, just your idea. like most FOSS enthusiasts, i am strongly opposed to locking the firmware, and i have an alternative that is much better.

You have option to have X or not X, do you choose what your favourite youtuber does and install 5th vpn>?
I really hope you will become the gold standard of short pins, googol engineers just lack this high level overview where you tell them it gotta be secure dammit, and they make it secure, israelis just ignore them, I’m sure your personality grants the security needed, 30 digits pins are no longer needed, teleshoes just made it obsolete, 4-6 digit pins are good enough, gn

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So can you help me please, I dont know which person I describe my problem and ask for help. Can you please name me a name or better send me a link to a profile. Thank you very much.

truly there is no recourse. as far as i know, you have to send your phone back.
try here:


Thanks for advertising this feature, xda-rummagers in shambles

Why are you flagging his posts? Maybe he is harsh, but you should accept also other points of view.

Please stay on topic. Someone asks for help and that’s what he (and we) gets?
I’m sure we can do better.

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What happens when you type in the wrong Lockscreen-Code (not the first stage encryption code) for multiple times (i know this can be configured in Lockscreen-Prefs), i’m just curious what happens then, can a reboot fix this?

then you can simply just reboot the device and you can try to type in the coe several times again

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yeah, i tried that like 200 times, non password works, that seems really strange to me. Is there reall no way to factory reset the c2? does anybody know?

It sucks. But that how currently it is. See first reply.
I’m afraid your only option is contact Zendesk for sending it back. You’re not the first and probably not last with that option.


No. Atm, there is no working, known, sure way of resetting the C2.
You should, as said, definitely contact the zendesk.

Probably not for a case like yours: insecure experimental beginning of eventual way

There was one user that found an insecure experimental beginning of eventual way to get into the C2. But it seem to me that in the most part of the cases, this can lead to a unusable C2
Flashing the Jolla C2.

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i did NOT flag his posts, someone else did, presumably when he started name-calling. (one of the things he wrote is the r-word, considered an ableist slur where i live)


I don’t understand that.

“…but I changed the pin code to a code which I dont remember.”

and then:

“I used the pin code which Ive used at my old phone.”

Maybe it was a 4-digit pin code that was accepted at first but no longer after a restart.

Die Anleitung wurde ja von Jolla erst später angepasst:

Enter at least 5 digits or characters to the security code upon the first boot

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Schick das Glumpert z’ruck dann kriegst es eh aus’tauscht.
Und: schön sprechen!

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Yep, sieht so aus.
Schick das verdammte Handy zurück. Jolla repariert es für dich. Oder verkaufe es mit einem Rabatt.

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ja aber wann machen die das? Ich kann jetzt fix wieder nen Monat warten…

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Bleibt dir wohl nichts anderes übrig wie es aussieht, für sowas ist immer ein Ersatzgerät in der Hinterhand gut.


I feel you man. I was one of the firsts that ordered the C2 and got the working phone only yesterday. I am very sorry for your situation. But looks like you have no other choice for the moment.

Please file a support request.