I tried to hint in that direction in post 17. But…got another WoT.
I am sorry but maybe your tone tends to be a bit larmoyant in the ears of some of us.
Your issues may be serious but it is often difficult to read through your often lengthy posts.
I didn’t know that BB lasted that long though, but we are going way off topic!
I express my opinions, which absolutely don’t need to be matching yours, or may even be entirely opposite. Doing which - on a discussion forum - I have exactly the same right as you. If you happen to be allergic to my opinions, or the way I express them, or how I CAPITALISE WORDS, or whatever else that causes your discomfort with me, then don’t read my posts, period. Rest assured that I will not refrain from expressing my opinions the way I like it only because you have a problem with that. It is a problem of yours, not mine.
“Us” means who? Is this supposed to be a pluralis maiestatis or rather split personality?
Once again, who (T.F.) forces you to read those WALLS of text? Why don’t you find yourself more pleasant things to do? Unless you’re a masochist, that is.
Except for that I was never ever trying to sell anything neither here nor anywhere else. It’s such an utter nonsense that it doesn’t even deserve commenting.
Where is my what? Nevermind, everything’s exactly where it’s supposed to be, which definitely isn’t of your business.
Oh, so your problem is not just with me but with every Polish user of this forum that you were able to hunt down by their “polish sounding names”. What have we got here, homegrown little wannabe racist or what?
I don’t know why am I being associated with other people I don’t even know, based solely on nationality (that you apparently have some sort of unhealthy problem with), nor why would I be supposed to release any applications. And I definitely do not like your contemptuous attitude towards Polish people. Nevertheless, as your issues with what and how I write on this forum have literally ZERO to do with what this topic is about, I won’t bother to respond to any such further drivel of yours anymore.
I can only repeat that if there’s literally anything that you don’t like or accept when it comes to either my opinions or the way I express them, including the number of words per post I write, or “maybe my tone tending to be a bit larmoyant”, please simply don’t read my comments, let alone responding to them.
„Plonk”, as we said in those days.
Hopefully for good. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
You by spamming them as if it’s Tomi Ahonnen’s personal blog even in topics like questions for community meeting.
Oh, so your problem is not just with me but with every Polish user of this forum that you were able to hunt down by their “polish sounding names”. What have we got here, homegrown little wannabe racist or what?
Oh no, noticing that 5 guys show up at the same time as we get spammd by ‘BB RTOS best smartphone OS evah’ and they all participate, one says he made a living from 1-2$ BB apps… Stop noticing!!! But you’re right ignore option is a must
Oh no, noticing that 5 guys show up at the same time as we get spammd by ‘BB RTOS best smartphone OS evah’ and they all participate, one says he made a living from 1-2$ BB apps…Stop noticing!!!
As if:
- anyone else here, except for you, was giving a flying **** about your problems with some alleged former BB10 developers, either real or delusional, and their existing or imaginary 1-2$ BB apps,
- it had literally anything to do with this thread’s topic or actually any other.
You by spamming
Look who’s talking. About literally everything but on topic.
But you’re right ignore option is a must
My killfile is quite small but I learned to love that feature. Relax, smile.
My killfile is quite small
Apparently not only your killfile, judging by how you behave. Stop spamming.
Could you guys stop bickering and get back to VoWiFi. It’s exhausting enough debugging all day as it is. And I really would like to know what the deal is with VOIP over WLAN as it used to be known.
EDIT: Now I’m being a
bit larmoyant
Nice word.
would like to know what the deal is with VOIP over WLAN
So… A VoWiFi call are tunnelled over IPsec (IKE port 500), i know because i have the firewall logs to prove it (we have a pico unit at one of our buildings that have really poor network coverage) and goes to the providers server.
A VoIP uses a SIP connection (Skype) Microsoft Teams uses RTCP that can go “anywhere” / peer-to-peer (if it detects that two or more parties are on the same network then they will connect directly for that call)
are tunnelled over IPsec
over what? lte? I mean, what does it have to do with wifi?
To answer myself, everything. It’s a free lunch. Probably end up being blocked by some providers (cable, maybe).
I’d rather use a decent VOIP provider.
On VoWiFi, IPSec tunnel is created via WiFi connection to Mobile networks ePDG service using SIM autentication. After that trafic is routed sameway as VoLTE trafic in mobile network to IMS service. You don’t need cell tower for VoWiFi calls.
Even more relevant - is this done by the Qualcomm chipset autonomously (as suggested by the Qualcomm docs) or is it necessary to invoke the VPN connection manually in the first place?
AKA cisco, yates, alcatel DPI machines … getting more and more scary (if you’ve ever maintained security patches on cisco hardware). Do you have a good reference for VoLTE routing to IMS services? There’s just a ton of reading involved if you don’t know where to start… I started here System Architecture Evolution - Wikipedia
Thanks! Great page! So, from that overview, it IS voip (ie. SIP registration and then voice over ip. IMS) With the lawful interception conveniently baked into the protocols and probably the modems? Hmmm, I suppose there is no secure SIP/RTP traffic anyway? Great page.
Any news on the VoWifi support? I realy need it to.
I also need it since 14 years …