(Offline) Calendar synchronization

oh and one more thing - I want only sync calendar, not contacts.is this possible with radicale?

Yes. You can use Radicale just for it’s calendar functions. You can set up simple authentication and also setup calendars with a simple web interface. Depending on how your home network looks, it should be easy enough for devices at home to just connect to it’s ip on port 5232 (default). You can get a bit more fancy by setting up dns in your home network… does the pi have a proper hostname/dns?

Radicale can simply store the data in the file system (in ical/webcal format), so it can be kept a very simple install.

This install uses the packages available (so not pip install) an should be easy enough to understand …

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pi is configured as dns server for lan because pi-hole - it blocks ads in my network :slight_smile:

And by the way, thanks for that guide :slight_smile:

Hmm, maybe. But

from above guide at the very end.

Let us know if you manage and how-to…

This is not synchronization … but just one way copy of data.
Synchronization means comparing entries and resolving conflicts as described in the SyncML protocol that unfortunately is not implemented on the phones anymore.

I’ve been working on reviving the bluetooth syncml plugin that works with SyncEvolution, but was hit recently by a change in the API in Sailfish, that makes it impossible to sync.

In my opinion forcing users or supporting only CalDav and CardDav which are internet based protocols limits the users.

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That’s true. I did mention SyncML which is still documented in the SFOS docs. So it seems to be there but has had api changes AND the bluetooth plugin is not functional? You mean this plugin:

Yes, So I did updated buteo-syncfw source and it went into master, so that now it uses bluez5
I also had a working solution for buteo-sync-plugins syncml, but the Contacts API changed in 3.4.x and I did not have the time to update.
Meanwhile gitlab migrated to github and I had also no time to update.
If you want to join forces you are welcome

Ok, I just dug up my old syncevolution configs (I really do just use rsync !) I had this running with the N900 so it’s long ago. I started with a test on 3.4. and bluetooth obex generally and audio also works, but syncevolution doesn’t work:

syncevolution --configure --template Nokia_N900 --sync-property syncURL=obex-bt://58:9E:C6:24:7C:AB Volla3.4

Generates a config which seems reasonable but sync with devices paried generates:
[ERROR] transport problem: ObexTransportAgent: Bluetooth service search failed

Presumably, needs more work:)

I’ll have a look at buteo-syncfw… how can I help?

@poetaster : this was working with Sailfish < 2.x after this the bluez stack changed from bluez4 to bluez5
and now the API for handling Contacts changed

Hello, for some years now I use radicale with thunderbird as clients for contacts and calender. Works great exept the contact sync: changes through thunderbird get applied to the phone’s contacts, but on the phone it is impossible to add a contact to the cardav account. I’m forced to save new contacts in the phone’s memory, which of course don’t get synced to my thunderbird(s).

Was this not added in any 4.x release? Or soon ™ to come?
(not using DAV)

For me the calendar works with SyncEvolution, only Contacts does not as it changed the API after 3.4.

  1. buteo-syncfw compiled with bluez5 enabled
  2. openobex 1.5 (1.7 does not work)
  3. buteo-sync-plugins with bluez5. I do not know what current code supports, I did one branch, but it was removed when migrating from gitlab)

all compiled in the SDK

I’m curious what your device profile for SyncEvolution looks like.

You have a working buteo-syncfw / sync-plugins against bluez5 on 4.3? I mean, only for calendar?

@poetaster I have not tested this on 4.3 yet - lack of time, but on 4.1 it worked (except that BT had issues there). SynEvolution configuration is the same as it was always. The key here is that I ported the buteo-sync-plugin to bluez5, but my work vanished when sailfish left gitlab and I did not have the time to push to github yet.
This conversation is motivation to do it next - I’ll update you when done.

Thanks! I’ll stay tuned.

only Contacts does not as it changed the API after 3.4.

If you have a moment to point me in which file it is broken in syncml plugin, I can give a look if you are interested in.

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Damien, thank you for showing up here and being open and willing to help as before.

I just checked briefly the status and prepared to rebase on current master, but it will take some time to accommodate the last changes. So perhaps 1-2 days (I hope I have the time in the evening).

The problem with Contacts is that it was not working already before as something around the storage use changed. I have to look into the chats to see what the Sailors said back then.

./storageplugins/hcontacts/ContactsBackend.cpp iReadMgr and iWriterMgr

I remember that someone mentioned that something changed in the way how Sailfish is now handling these storage backends and I need an appropriate filter or so, but I did not have the time to sit down and work it in a proper way.

If I change some contact on the phone, I can sync to the PC, but the other way around is not working. This is where I left it before the summer and was busy with finding/starting new project for living until now.

If you can have a look what changed in the way backend storage is handled it would be great.


Thank you for the pointers. I’ll try to give a look. Contact storage is something I wanted to learn about for a while. So why not by looking at this. Since, it’s not my domain of knowledge it may take a bit of time. But I’ll try to help if I can.

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Can I add that I stopped using syncevolution a long time ago, and use the caldav/cardav account sync for a long time now? So I was addressing my issue in that context, not with syncevolution in between. To conclude, syncing contacts works for me one way, from pc (radicale) to phone, but not in the other direction. I remember a time when this worked in 2 directions … .