It is a fact that Jolla as a company has to act as one;
they also have customers, which pay for the lights to stay on.
Paying customers which are part of the community are just as valuable;
unless the pure business perspective is applied (revenue).
But if it comes down to this, it’s a very bad signal. If not,
Jolla should at least take the effort to reassure the community of it’s interest to work with it;
meaning, perhaps approach the topic in less direct perspectives, by stirring the discussion
from a less unilateral way.
It really comes down to what Jolla wants ( or perhaps has) to do.
They can’t share too much info as they are a company, and do not have legal rights
to talk “just” out of the box (there’s a communication strategy to be followed).
But it’s up to them to make the effort to reassure (again); so I’d expect them to at least make the effort.
Again, if this is not happening (as it unfortunately hasn’t), the bad sign goes +1 to proof (two signs/hints = 1 proof).
It seems clear something is a-miss here; we will have to wait and see.
For myself, I hope SFOS survives a bit further, and since I am optimistic, I hope for good news sun
behind the clouds.