The underlying problem appears to be that the community is small and not even growing. At least this my impression, not knowing any figures.
In this situation, Jolla has to decide how to deal with the community. Apparently Jolla is trying to reduce the effort spend for community issues to a minimum - which of course has a negative impact on the community.
@atlochowski has clearly expressed the impression: community does not matter (anymore) to Jolla. Please let me be clear: I mean, this is the impression. Maybe it is not, what Jolla is intending. However, just saying the community is important will not be enough.
At the beginning we all had hopes that Jolla would be successfull in the consumer market (Jolla 1, Tablet, Aquafish were all addressing the consumer market). For reasons I do not know - and despite a good UI, access to at least some Android apps etc. - these hopes did not materialize. Does this mean, Jolla should stop dreaming and cutting ties with the community as a consequence? I do not know, but leting the ties slowly die is even worse.
@rinigus correctly addressed to economic aspect. If Jolla cannot afford to maintain an infrastructure that helps developing apps for Sailfish, then this might be bitter truth and might kill Sailfish X - and even this forum would be obsolete.
The migration to this forum indicates that Jolla has not yet decided against the community. To give Sailfih X a chance, Jolla should make developing apps for SFOS as easy as possible.
So it is not (only) a question of communication, but also (and even more so) a question of mere facts (i.e. tools for devs, for instance)