Number of issues

blindtyping so sorry for typos, that’s not gonna happen, 99.9% of app developers don’t care about foss, having to only aim at two platforms is good and they effectively are goog employees as google pays their wage, rooted and other non google play solutions allow for all kinds of adblocks and shit, you’re lucky to not be banned for using third party apps like whatsapp does

SailfishOS is not an OS for the Mass Market. Its an OS for Linux freaks, Developers, Enthusiasts…
It will NEVER have so much apps like Android or IOS. And this is IMHO good so.
Of course, more apps would be nice, but it will never be an amount like in PlayStore or AppStore.
When you are Linux geek and love SailfishOS - use it. When you need an high amount of shiny apps like in PlayStore or AppStore - buy an Android Phone or iPhone. Life can be so simple… :slight_smile:
So i clearly don’t understand, why so many folks love to see SailfishOS as an Mass Market OS.

Microsoft already tried to be an Global player and offer Mass Market Mobile OS> You know the story. Even after buying Nokia they failed.

There is no place for the 3rd global player in MobileOS Market. So Jolla, as a small Finnish company is doing anything right: The offer an OS for Security-oriented users, Linux Devs and Freaks, FOSS advocates…And business and governance organizations. And here they could be better…


U are completely right in what you explain. Maybe I was not clear enough when I wrote that sentences.
In my opinion with mainstream apps is to be possible to use Signal, to communicate with my people around the world.
Is not about having so much apps, like I think that Jolla has a loooot of them. Is about having some acces to some good apps like telegram or signal , like Ubuntu touch does, and this is a linux distro also.


If i am right, the difference between SFOS and UBtouch is that UBtouch is using a lot of webapps. And probably Telegram and Co. are Webapps in UBtouch, so unless SFOS would turn into the direction of Webapps, we have to wait for native SFOS apps. There is also the solution of using Flatpack, but therefore you have to do changes on the software of your phone and like i heard, Flatpack has security issues…


I know that you are completely right. BUT: A phone, which can not really be used as a daily driver, is just waste. And everybody has different expectations for the usage as a daily driver.
I am taking myself as an example:
I use at least two apps for public transport. With SFOS on this browser? Forget it!
I use Wire for communication. It’s a good and privacy concerned network, but there is no app. I have asked on the Telegram group, if there was someone who knew how to program it and I would pay a big part and make some crowdfunding - no results.
So: If it I can’t use this phone for my daily obstacles: Why should I posess it except for experiments? How could we generate enough errors for correction, so that SFOS is better - without the phone being a daily driver?

Every person have different expectation for what is daily driver. For me - is an Xperia XA with SailfishOS very good as a daily driver. But not for you. When you can’t live without the apps, which are not avaiable on the SailfishOS - than you need another Phone / OS as a daily driver. Take Android / IOS and you will have the apps you want.
SailfishOS cant be as good as Android / IOS (in terms of apps amount) because the OS is developed by the small company and community. It will never have as much apps as android / IOS. Maybe sometimes things will changed, but not yet. So just think about it.

If you need SailfishOS - use it like it is, develop apps for it, tinkle with it. But if you cant live without apps, which you use in daily live - than you need another OS. Maybe a second mobile. or just switch from SFOS to another OS, IMHO.


SFOS is what it is and it is not everyone’s darling, but you keep a bit of privacy with a European OS. This is more important for me than many apps. With the support of a few patches, some apps OpenRepos and a handful of Android apps, it is useful for me.

A walled garden that takes away my privacy (for me) is useless. That is why SFOS is an alternative. Less is more! That was my conscious decision few years ago after I read about it.


I hope with “not as good as Android/iOS” you mean for the specific application the person you’re referring to has in mind.

I for my part, find SFOS light years ahead when it comes to what I’m doing with my phone.
Especially running much of the same software on the phone I already use on my laptop and all I had to do was to recompile everything for ARM.


fair enough what you say . I just wanna say that is not about quantity of apps, cause are hundreds of apps in SFOs that are not usefull at all, so there are a lot of apps, but some of the apps that could be useful, are not there. So is not about quantity than quality

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And just to say that I use sfos like a daily phone without problems.


Exact, @unmaintained! I already corrected myself. Of course is SFOS great! Of course this is my 1st choise as an Mobile OS!
But, as i was in Georgia last year, i heard a really cool saying: “The One, who invite a woman in a restaurant, is the One who are allowed to dance with her!” :slight_smile:
For us it means: The features, that are important for the paying customers like Rostelekom will be implemented first. So the wishes of the community will be implemented (if it will happen) after the business features. Alien Dalvik as an underlying layer is not so important for Rostelekom, in opposite, they want implement they own apps independed of google.
Have you guys seen the apps, published by OMP? They are not FOSS, they are not free, they are developed only for the business customers, but they looks amazing!
They have office, Communication tools and many, many other business apps.
Of course the most part of us will never see this apps, but such development is good for the os.
After some time we will see more and more different apps, Free and not free. For business customers and for the community, but it will happen very slow. Android has Version of 10, IOS has 13 somewhat. SailfishOS is still on 3.x. We had yet only 2 big milestones : SFOS 2 and SFOS 3. The OS is groving. But slowly. Because Jolla is a small company and is business oriented. We bring no money to the company. The license costs of Sailfish X is peanuts, Jolla can’t live from this money.
So guys, please: Stop crying about the number of issues.

Take Android AOSP or LineageOS when you want a FOSS OS
Take IOS, if you want anything from one hand
Or Take SailfishOS if you want GNU Linux, Privacy and cool unlike OS made in Finnland.
But together with issues and bugs and small amount of apps.

You decide :slight_smile:


i see no sexist content here, @davidrasch. its a part of Georgian culture. its folklore… i hate the time in which we are living. in a couple of years we wouldnt be able to say nothing, because it is some way rasist, sexist or something else. So please, keep the ball flat.


I understand your concern @davidrasch. When reading this quote it seemed a bit corny to me as well.
But I have to agree with explit: Unless you know the cultural context, it’s hard to judge what the real meaning of this saying is. I wonder what’s the ‘strong sexist content’ you see here exactly.
I don’t want to start an off-topic discussion here, so feel free to PM me.

Anyway the point of the post had a completely different intent. For the sake of the original discussion, let’s keep any ponderings about the sexistness or non-sexistness out of it and debate it elsewhere


They seem have many commercial Aurora apps in Russia.
I wonder if they could somehow “leak” to the public sooner or later.


This is a strange discussion here. The phrase is about respect and I read that.

Anyway, in 10 years there will only be 0 and 1 left and Yes / No / Enter / Cancel.

When Germans start something, it always slips into absurdity. Relaxe :wink:


That only makes sense if they are translated and can be used freely.

Depending on how the apps are written they could be translated by the community.

But I guess the things they’re currently showing off at won’t be released to the public any time soon :smile:

You’ve been thinking about commercial apps for Aurora. The source code with the resource files will then probably not be public.

The QML part may still be open. I mean not license-wise but at least would allow translating the app to some extent.

This PostLink video conferencing app looks really nice.


this apps will be leaked. we need only to wait until the are out of the development phase.

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