Jolla urgently looking for new ownership

Sure, you can blame MS if it makes you feel better.
The bitter reality, however, is that their market share was being eaten alive by Android / iOS.

Yes, the management chickened out, and could have stayed in the game with alot more chances than cowardly quitting. But still, the market scared the Management (Elop), which then means that the Market killed Nokia :slight_smile:
FWIW, I got the N9 on day one when it was available and didnt regret a single day with it. There. That’s the stone on top of it, before we derail the more important topic here…

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Well, not quite. Elop was sent by Microsoft to Nokia to try and twist the market by imposing Windows Phone on the largest phone manufacturer. Market share was indeed increasing until the “Burning Platforms” memo (hence the name Jolla, the boat to escape from the burning platform).


Thanks, im aware :slight_smile: . But sorry, I think you are - brace for constructive feedback - seeing this from a superficial standpoint only. But, my 2 cents :slight_smile:

Nokia already had the solution for staying relevant and strong in the market. They already had the best hardware and were innovating continuously, Symbian had provided over its lifetime a lot of valuable experiences and MeeGo was ready to rise. All they needed was a little push to help it grow and maybe launch a few Android models along the way to diversify.
Unfortunately, the game was over once Elop came on board. Maybe the board members were tired of the mobile division and didn’t mind the possible outcome of selling it, or maybe they were just blinded by their history thinking they can’t fail.

Either way, there is no doubt that Elop coming from Microsoft was not at least subjective towards Windows Mobile, if not determined to devalue Nokia and prepare it for a sale.

This should be a case study for all business schools, as it is a sad story (from the point of view of what Nokia could have still been), a hopeful example of modesty for the current market leaders, as nothing lasts forever, and yet another amazing example of Microsoft’s inability to take over a significant share of the market (even though they had everything they could need: best hardware, best desktop OS market share, including business, strong developer ecosystem and almost unlimited resources). There is no facepalm big enough to properly represent this outcome.

Getting back to Jolla, it’s a tough spot to be in today, in a market that is basically a duopoly ingrained in the average consumer mind.
I’m tempted to say that strong marketing, hardware partnerships and a widespread supply chain is the only way, but I am sure I don’t know enough from the inside and it’s just an easy to say thing :slight_smile:
So, what I can say is that resilience sure helps. I’ll keep using Sailfish OS while it still works.
Keep sailing!


What’s bad exactly about doing business with Russia, from Jolla’s perspective? Russia is actively trying to find an alternative to iOS and Android just about now, but that’s not tied to its war effort. In the end we can have the scenario where Jolla dies, just out of principle, or another scenario where it receives money from Russia which helps it stay afloat and then when they have secured the funds or minds, cut those ties. It’s just… they’ve chosen this path in the first place. Russia hasn’t been a democratic place for a very long time, not before Jolla was even born. It’s fun to see how people only “realised” that fact just a year ago, whilst in reality it’s always been business and money before morals.

In the end, it’s the free world that wins from this partnership, because everyone, including the Russians, has a chance to have an open, free and secure mobile OS. It’s a tough pill to swallow for some, but we ought not allow this war to destroy everything because of the prevailing panic attitudes of the moment.

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Maybe you don’t get an important point of the current situation with Russia.
Russia is currently cut off Western economy, and it’s not going to be admitted into it again for the foreseeable future. This means, among the other things, no more devices such as smartphones, since all of them use western SoCs (where in “western” I include Taiwan), and for sure no Android blobs to run Sailfish on.


“Western propaganda”. Yeah right.
Putin’s daughters must love it since they all live outside of Russia.


…In order to get pressure and become like those walled gardens, which we seek to escape from by choosing Sailfish.
How smart is that!? :clown_face:

P.S. If Jolla does that, I’m done with it!

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