Jolla C2 Community Phone deliveries

Awesome news. My wallet is ready for some C2 goodness.

It’s okay, I’ll ask my friend to bring it back to China.


How would you like people to inform you? I didn’t book anything yet, but I still have the intent to show up.

Hi @rubdos !

Very important thing to clarify. You can send me a private message here at forum. I make sure that you’d be among the first ones to receive final payment link.


I have the same edge case on Vodafone UK (Xperia III - 4.5.x.x through to - the only problem that I have encountered

I’ll be there.

And I did.

And @pherjung started the due thread about it: September 27-30 - Sailathon 24 in Prague


I preordered one. My Xperia XA II is almost dead with a thick battery. One month withput a phone because of the delay? I’m gonna pick a cheap brand new Nokia non-smart phone


Hi all, just to introduce myself, ordered a C2 as I’m quite curious to see how life could be outside Android and iOS, been following jolla for a while so I thought this was a good time to spend some cash.

I’m an engineer but not the kind that could help with this project. I can help out testing signal and features in UK and supporting with translating to Spanish. Looking forward to see where this goes :).


That’s the spirit… :slightly_smiling_face:


There’s a small glitch in the C2 counter at – we’re fixing the issue. There are still few C2 devices left to pre-order. We’ll post an update once the glitch is fixed. Thank you for your understanding.


Will there be a future batch available of the C2? Or will it be just these few C2 devices left to pre-order? I’m interested in the C2, but would prefer to buy once it’s known VoLTE works in my country.


I made a 50 euro risk investment. Currently I am quite happy for my Xperia 10 II but with an investment hoping to have a phone in future.


14 posts were split to a new topic: Android layers on Jolla C2

I pre-ordered this evening without glitches. It was added to my paying history immediately.


Pretty sure there already are some – not Jolla exclusive, but you can easily get some:ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=3NNCTTJOTO7ZU&sprefix=reeder+s19+max+pro+cover%2Celectronics%2C130&ref=nb_sb_noss

But the C2 is the Reeder S19 Max Pro S with 3 Cameras, so the Questions here are the Covers compatible with the S Modell too (Camera Cutouts, Dimensions, Speaker holes…etc)

Thanks @Kea ! Indeed, the glitch is already fixed.

Hi rainemak,
I have an idea:
Could you create a new thread with details how we can test network compatibility in the countries and how we should report it. Some steps/ checks that we can perform?
I would be able to test for example roaming with VoLTE only next year in Croatia and maybe we can collect like this details over a longer period with many configurations and helping you to fine tune Sailfish to work without problems “everywhere”.
We could also double check possible expected results to avoid broken phone modems delivering false negative results although the network would support everything.

So we would have the following advantages:

  1. Common reporting standard
  2. Better overview what works where and how
  3. Self check capabilities to identify possible device issues instead of network problems
    … maybe some other effects that I forgot right now



Hi @PatsJolla

Something like this is needed. It could be a forum topic or a forum wiki page or something else that meets requirements.


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If my memory is working correctly, some idea have already been shared on other thread related to VoLTE. Maybe can we reuse this workflow? I’ll try to find it later.

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