Jolla 1 with SailfishOS 2 questions

cd /etc
rm -v localtime*
ln -sv ../var/lib/timed/localtime localtime

this worked indeed, thank you!

Hi @olf, after I did this:

OpenRepos works now, but Camera stopped working.

The UI is launching, but not the image itself. Reinstalling Camera app didnā€™t help unfortunately. Camera works with android apps though. How can this possibly be fixed?

Update: after doing restore from recovery several times, it seems that system get broken after
zypper up -Dd --repo foo ca-certificates
zypper up -Dd ca-certificates
It doesnā€™t allow me to select only certificates to be updated, prompting update of 30+ packages, after that Camera app get broken. Maybe for SFOS 2.2.0 (stop release for Jolla 1) certificate fixes canā€™t be applied (you said that tested it with 2.2.1)

ā€œprompting update of 30+ packagesā€ is not good.

Still I see no real reason (but may miss some aspect) not to upgrade to SailfishOS 2.2.1. Why do you prefer SailfishOS 2.2.0?

Presumably using SailfishOS 2.2.1 is the easiest way out (not only for Storemanā€™s use of OpenRepos, but also for many other internet services and websites), other ways require some slightly advanced use of zypper or pkcon.

Well, I would update to 2.2.1 of course if I knew howā€¦ In Settings the system only proposes to update to 3.0.0 next. Is there a way I could go 2.2.0 ā†’ 2.2.1?

Install sfos-upgrade and execute in a terminal session as root user (by devel-su):

See also (e.g. where to get the exact version numbers from) or for other SailfishOS releases you want to upgrade to their corresponding release notes.

P.S.: I already pointed to sfos-upgrade.

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Iā€™m sure it is mentiined somewhere, but:

After reaching your desired version you should disable the update checker service.

It can have bad side effects.


Not mentioned before, what command will do that? :slightly_smiling_face:
From what I found on old forum I thought itā€™s impossible to disable SFOS update check

That is not a command. I find setting Checking For Updates to Manual disables updates in effect.

Yes, that is documented here, including workarounds to alleviate the issue: [Bug] /usr/libexec/sailfish-osupdateservice osupdate-check sets ssu re

No, IIRC that does not work. IMO it takes one of the workarounds described in aforementioned bug report (rsp. its follow-up posts) to alleviate the bad side-effects of the misbehaving systemd user unit osupdate-check.service.

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Thank you, I updated to 2.2.1 succesfully and applied update checker service fix. Storeman is working too thanks to your decribed method B3 from here. (on SFOS 2.2.0 method B3 for updating certificates did not work, so update to 2.2.1 indeed helped. Also, on 2.2.0 OpenVPN didnā€™t work, but on 2.2.1 it works flawlessly)

I also installed OpenSSL 1.1.1 + 1.0.2 from openrepos.

The problem is, in Storeman I canā€™t install packages that I could before, namely Meecast by vasvlad, and Recorder by osetr. Storeman tells it canā€™t find and, respectively. Didnā€™t have this when I installed these packages on 2.2.0ā€¦

This means: This executable file was compiled with Jollaā€™s Sailfish-SDK for a newer version of SailfishOS than the installed one; the specific version numbers in the error message depend on the SDK version used.

Note that the author of an RPM file can specify which SailfishOS releases it supports, all app store client apps (Jolla Store app, Storeman, SailfishOS:Chum GUI app) automatically select the newest RPM file which still supports the installed SailfishOS release (more precisely: the release which SailfishOS names as installed).

Specifically here an older version of MeeCast was installed on SailfishOS 2.2.0 than the one Storeman downloads and tries to install on 2.2.1. Consequently you can ā€¦

  1. manually download and install an older version of MeeCast.
  2. ask vasvlad or somebody else to recompile the newest version of MeeCast, which advertises itself to be compatible with SailfishOS 2.2.1 with the Sailfish-SDK for SailfishOS 2.2.1. Note that vasvlad is kind, but not very responsive, because he does not own an SailfishOS device any more for years (still he continues to maintain MeeCast!). You better ask at GitHub or both, OpenRepos and GitHub (but cross-link both requests, denoting that they address the same issue).

Ok, I remember I installed Meecast Event View version 1.1-1 on SFOS 2.2.0.

I tried now to manually install .rpm files of all versions that exist on openrepos, from 0.1 to 1.1 ā€“ and all failed to installā€¦

Thanks for explanation! Meecast Event View v1.0-4 works, which is all what I wanted :hugs:

Unfortunately there are new networking (likely OpenSSL) issues with Storeman: Network error - SSL handshake failed Ā· Issue #310 Ā· storeman-developers/harbour-storeman Ā· GitHub

As denoted there, logs and analysis would be helpful to fully comprehend the issue in order to resolve it.